From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Notes about People
04 May 1996 21:52:27
95409 Notes about People
by Jerry L. Van Marter
and Alexa Smith
The Rev. Dennis J. Hughes, associate for worship in the Theology and
Worship Program Area of the Congregational Ministries Division, has
resigned in order to accept a call to be pastor of Northminster
Presbyterian Church in Seattle. He began work in his new position Nov. 1.
Hughes will continue as editor of "Reformed Liturgy and Music."
# # #
The Rev. Phil Tom, coordinator for urban ministry in the National
Ministries Division, has accepted a call to a shared pastorate at Immanuel
Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis. He will share the pastorate with the
Rev. Ernest Newborn of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and
begins his new work Jan. 2, 1996.
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