From the Worldwide Faith News archives


Date 04 May 1996 19:47:37


95428                       Correction 
     Due to computer errors, a story in the Dec. 1 "NEWS BRIEFS" about the 
sale of campus property by the Presbyterian School of Christian Education 
board of trustees (#95425) incorrectly reported maintenance costs at the 
school, misspelled one name  and omitted two paragraphs of the story. 
     The story reported that "campus-wide operating and deferred 
maintenance costs are estimated at $419,942."  Operating and plant 
maintenance costs for 1994-95 totaled $419,942 and total deferred 
maintenance costs are estimated at $4.1 million. 
     The Union Theological Seminary trustee named in the story is W. Taylor 
Reveley, not Reverly. 
     The two paragraphs that should have appeared at the conclusion of the 
     Tom Baker, PSCE's director of institutional advancement,  acknowledged 
those aggrieved by the board's decision, but said there are many people in 
the Richmond, Va., community who view a partnership with BTSR and PSCE as a 
worthwhile "ecumenical joint venture." 
     "From a Christian perspective in the larger community, it's the right 
thing to do," Baker said.  "There are people in the community who get very 
excited about an ecumenical joint venture and a Christian partnership that 
would not necessarily support PSCE by itself, BTSR by itself, or 
potentially UTS by itself."  

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