From the Worldwide Faith News archives
News of Theological Institutions
04 May 1996 16:04:42
96132 News of Theological Institutions
by Alexa Smith
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--A campaign to raise $1.2 million for a Second Presbyterian
Church Chair in Christian Education has been announced at Louisville
Seminary. Members of Second Presbyterian Church of Louisville have a
fundraising project under way which has already raised $620,000. The funds
will establish an endowment to provide a salary and benefits package for a
new faculty member who will have a leading role in creating a new program,
The Louisville Center for Christian Formation in Families and
RICHMOND, Va.--Toward a campaign goal of $31 million, Union Theological
Seminary in Virginia has received two gifts of $1 million each from Nancy
H. and Bruce C. Gottwald Sr. of Richmond, and Dalton L. McMichael of
Madison, N.C.
AUSTIN, Texas--Dr. Robert M. Berdahl, president and Regents Chair in Higher
Education of the University of Texas at Austin, will deliver the first
annual George S. Heyer, Jr. Lecture, "Reflections on the Meaning of
Community," April 16, in the chapel at Austin Presbyterian Theological
CHICAGO--The Rev. Elizabeth F. Caldwell has been named the Harold Blake
Walker Professor of Pastoral Theology at McCormick Theological Seminary. A
member of the faculty since 1984, Caldwell's field is religious education.
She was inaugurated as full professor at McCormick in 1992.
ATLANTA--The 129th Founders' Day Celebration of Johnson C. Smith Seminary
(Interdenominationl Theological Center) was held April 8-9, with the theme,
"Empowerment for Peace, Justice and Equality." The Rev. Ida M. Wells was
the convocation speaker, addressing "Tapping the Power." The Rev. Dr.
Katie G. Cannon, professor of ethics and black studies at Temple
University, made a presentation, "Womanism -- Shaking the Edifice of
Theological Education." The Distinguished Alumnus Award went to the Rev.
Dr. Arthur B. McFadden, pastor of Third United Presbyterian Church in St.
For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, KY 40202
phone 502-569-5504 fax 502-569-8073
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