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General Assembly Summary Publications Planned

Date 04 May 1996 16:05:57


96115     General Assembly Summary Publications Planned 
                      by Jerry L. Van Marter 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--The Office of the General Assembly (OGA) and the General 
Assembly Council's Office of Communication (OC) have announced their plans 
for the two traditional post-General Assembly summary publications -- 
"Assembly in Brief" and the wrap-up edition of "The General Assembly News." 
                     "1996 Assembly in Brief" 
     "Assembly in Brief," a 12-page bulletin-insert-size summary of the 
June 29-July 6 General Assembly meeting in Albuquerque, N.M., is a joint 
publication of OGA and the Presbyterian News Service (PNS). 
     This year it will be designed and written by the Rev. Vicki Fogel 
Mykles, former director of communications for the Synod of the Rocky 
Mountains, and edited by the Rev. Jerry Van Marter, PNS coordinator. 
     To be mailed the week after the Assembly adjourns, "Assembly in Brief" 
costs $7 per 100 copies. 
          Wrap-up edition of "The General Assembly News" 
     The wrap-up edition of "The General Assembly News," a 12-page 
newspaper, is produced by the OGA's General Assembly Newsroom staff.  The 
manager of the Newsroom in Albuquerque will be Jane Mead, former director 
of communications for the Synod of the Northeast. 
     Reporters on the Newsroom staff include Van Marter; Alexa Smith and 
Julian Shipp of the PNS; John Sniffen, director of communications for the 
Synod of the Mid-Atlantic; the Rev. William Lancaster, director of 
communications for Foothills Presbytery in South Carolina; Jane Hines, 
director of communications for the Synod of Living Waters; the Rev. Robert 
Bolt of the staff of New Castle Presbytery in Delaware; Midge Mack, former 
editor of "Communiqu‚," the newspaper of the Synod of the Covenant; Peggy 
Rounseville, a veteran reporter from Dallas; Nancy Borst, director of 
communications for Presbyterian Mariners; and the Rev. Rob McClure, 
director of communications for the Synod of Alaska-Northwest.  Staff 
photographer is Ann Rowe, a Presbyterian photojournalist from Albuquerque. 
     The wrap-up edition of "The General Assembly News" will also be 
available the week after the Assembly adjourns and costs $1 per copy or $50 
per 100 copies.  Express mail will be available for an extra charge. 
     Information about how to order either or both publications is 
available by writing the Office of the General Assembly, 100 Witherspoon 
Street, Room 4430A, Louisville, KY 40202-1396; by phoning (502) 569-5360; 
or by faxing (502) 569-8005. 

For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
  Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, KY 40202
  phone 502-569-5504            fax 502-569-8073  
  E-mail   Web page: 


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