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Presbyterian Journalists Win More Than a Dozen Awards
04 May 1996 16:06:06
96137 Presbyterian Journalists Win More Than a Dozen Awards
by Jerry L. Van Marter
MESA, Ariz.--Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) journalists captured 13 awards --
including three Awards of Excellence (first place prizes) -- in the 1995
annual competition of the Associated Church Press here April 10-13.
The winners were selected from among 996 entries submitted to the
association, which numbers more than 200 member religious publications
throughout the United States and Canada. ACP seeks to foster excellence in
religious journalism through its annual convention and awards contest and
professional development seminars during the year.
"Church & Society" magazine garnered five awards. "Presbyterians
Today" magazine captured four awards. "HORIZONS" magazine received two and
"THE NEWS of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)" and "Presbyterian Life and
Times," the newsletter of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies, each collected
one award.
The Award of Excellence prize in the Bible study category went to
"HORIZONS" for "Glimpses of Hope: Biblical Images in the Realm of God," its
1995 Bible study by Eugenia A. Gamble.
"Presbyterian Life and Times" received an Award of Excellence in the
newsletter graphics category for its October 1995 issue, edited by Barbara
Jerry Van Marter, editor of "THE NEWS of the Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.)," won an Award of Excellence for his regular column in the
now-defunct denominational newspaper, "From the Back Pew."
"Church & Society," the social justice journal of the National
Ministries Division edited by Kathy Lancaster, captured a third-place
plaque in the special interest magazine category of the prestigious Best of
Class competition. The magazine won two Awards of Merit: in the theme
issue category for its November/December 1995 issue "Seeking the Peace of
the City: The Next Decade in Urban Ministry" and in the biblical
interpretation category for Walter Wink's article in the May/June 1995
issue titled "Standing on the Rock of the Impossible: From Zechariah 8
through History to Recent Events --With Hope."
"Church & Society" also won two Honorable Mentions: in the editor's
note category for Barbara Green's piece in the July/August 1995 issue,
"After Fifty Years," about the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, and
in the theological reflection category for Walter Wink's article in the
May/June 1995 issue entitled " Normalcy' as Disease: Facing Disabilities."
"Presbyterians Today" received an Award of Merit (second place) in the
magazine redesign category for its transformation last year from
"Presbyterian Survey." The magazine also received an Award of Merit in the
convention coverage category for its preview of last year's General
Assembly by associate editor Eva Stimson, Van Marter, Presbyterian News
Service reporter Julian Shipp and Nancy Dawe, a freelance writer and
photographer from Atlanta. "Presbyterians Today" also won two Honorable
Mentions: for Dawe's interview in the December 1995 issue with Billy Payne,
an Atlanta Presbyterian who is the organizer of this summer's Olympic
Games, and in the humorous graphics category for Rich Garramone's cartoon
that appeared in the "Laughlines" section of the July/August issue of the
In addition to the Award of Excellence for its Bible study, "HORIZONS"
won an Honorable Mention in the magazine graphics category for its
November/December 1995 issue, "Mission: Called to Openness," Susan E.
Jackson and Laura Lee, artists/designers.
For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, KY 40202
phone 502-569-5504 fax 502-569-8073
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