From the Worldwide Faith News archives
News of Presbyteries and Synods
04 May 1996 19:49:44
95434 News of Presbyteries and Synods
by Jerry L. Van Marter
CAMP HILL, Pa.--Eight churches in the Harrisburg area of Carlisle
Presbytery have completed construction of a duplex in conjunction with
Harrisburg Habitat for Humanity. Habitat built the foundation and the
volunteer work crew did the rest.
Participating churches included Camp Hill Presbyterian Church; Christ
Presbyterian Church in Camp Hill; Derry Presbyterian Church in Hershey;
Faith, Pine Street and Market Square Presbyterian churches in Harrisburg;
and Silver Spring and St. James Presbyterian churches in Mechanicsburg.
ORLANDO, Fla.--The HIV/AIDS Awareness Subcommittee of Central Florida
Presbytery has established a prayer chain for Presbyterians in the
presbytery who have been infected by the HIV virus. The subcommittee
regularly publishes a list of the first names of persons with HIV/AIDS so
others in the presbytery may pray for them.
PORTLAND, Ore.--Ann Zelenka has begun work as Cascades Presbytery's new
coordinator of summer camps. She succeeds Dorothy Wilson, who has retired
after long service in the position.
NEW YORK CITY--A wide range of featured speakers and nearly 50 workshops on
virtually all aspects of ministry highlighted the fifth annual "Presbytery
Day," Nov. 18, for New York City Presbytery.
Held at the Union Church of Bay Ridge, the event included addresses by
Marj Carpenter, moderator of the 1995 General Assembly, and the Rev. Allan
Boesak, South African theologian and anti-apartheid leader who is the
1995-96 theologian-in-residence at the Stony Point Center.
Worship was led by the Rev. Mary McNamara, moderator of the
presbytery, and the Rev. Victor Aloyo, Jr., pastor of Redeemer
Presbyterian Church in East Brooklyn.
CLEMMONS, N.C.--Salem Presbytery is receiving applications for its next
Commissioned Lay Preacher training program. Applications will be accepted
until Jan. 5, 1996. The presbytery's Committee on Ministry will then
interview applicants, with the yearlong training starting March 2.
HOUSTON--For the 18th year, Presbyterians in New Covenant Presbytery will
host foreign college students in their homes during Christmas break as part
of the presbytery's "Christmas International House" program. The program
is designed to provide Christian love and hospitality to international
students who cannot go home for the holidays.
SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.V.--The Presby Pickers, West Virginia Presbytery's
nine-member troupe of traditional music performers, has announced three
performances of its new Christmas program, "A Celebration of the Lord's
Coming Through Lessons from Scripture and Music and Story of Early America
and Appalachia."
The program alternates scripture readings and music from earlier times
in the southern United States and Appalachia. Performances will be Dec. 3
at Village Chapel Presbyterian Church in Charleston; Dec. 10 at St. Luke's
United Methodist Church in St. Albans; and Dec. 17 at First Presbyterian
Church, Kenova.
The Presby Pickers play autoharp, banjo, bones, bowed psaltery,
guitar, hammered dulcimer, lap dulcimer, highlands bagpipes, harmonica,
mandolin, pennywhistle and washtub bass. Their "flagship" program,
"Mountain Presbyterians: A Musical History of West Virginia Presbyterians,"
has been performed 57 times.
HARRISONBURG, Va.--"New Vistas in Worshiping the Lord" is the theme of a
Feb. 16-18 seminar sponsored by Shenandoah Presbytery's First Presbyterian
Church of Winchester.
Made possible by the church's Lucy Ann Kinzel Fund, the event is
designed to assist participants in deepening and enriching their worship of
Jesus Christ. Keynote speaker is the Rev. Bruce Stewart, a musician,
storyteller, dancer, mime, clown, juggler and worship consultant. He is
director of the Center for Liturgy and the Arts in Annandale, Va.
For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, KY 40202
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