From the Worldwide Faith News archives
News of Presbyteries and Synods
04 May 1996 20:30:33
95373 News of Presbyteries and Synods
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LEXINGTON, Ky.--"2001: A Church Odyssey" is the theme of Transylvania
Presbytery's Nov. 4 leadership development retreat. The event will be held
at Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church in Lexington.
Keynote speaker is the Rev. John Mulder, president of Louisville
Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Workshops will be offered on Christian
education, evangelism, spirituality, worship and youth ministry.
HARRISONBURG, Va.--Once again this year, the Hunger Committee of Shenandoah
Presbytery is organizing a drive to collect new, warm, inexpensive stocking
caps, mittens or gloves, socks and scarves for the homeless.
Congregations in the presbytery are being urged to incorporate their
efforts into their Advent celebrations. All collected clothing will be
delivered by the Hunger Committee to Zacchaeus' Kitchen, a homeless shelter
in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 21.
SYRACUSE, N.Y.--This fall every church in the Synod of the Northeast will
receive a packet of the synod's "Tough Week" promotional materials. The
packet includes Christmas and Easter advertisements featuring the campaign
slogan: "Tough Week? We're Open on Sunday." Also included are audio tapes
and scripts for radio ads, tips and tricks for promoting the campaign and
advertising "basics."
The materials are supplied by the synod's Stewardship Support and
Communication Unit, which is being downsized out of existence at the end of
the year. Jane Mead, the synod's director of communication, is also a
casualty of the downsizing.
For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, KY 40202
phone 502-569-5504 fax 502-569-8073
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