From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Where Is the Moderator?

Date 04 May 1996 20:32:38


95349                Where Is the Moderator? 
                      by Jerry L. Van Marter 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--The moderatorial staff services office of the Office of 
the General Assembly has released the following October itinerary for Marj 
Carpenter, moderator of the 207th General Assembly: 
Oct.       1:  Pensacola, Fla. -- First Presbyterian Church 150th 
               anniversary celebration 
         2-4:  Colorado Springs, Colo. -- Mountain States Wee Kirk 
           5:  Durango, Colo. -- Western Colorado Presbytery 
         7-8:  Anchorage, Alaska -- Yukon Presbytery 
               First Presbyterian Church (preach) 
           9:  Sitka, Alaska -- Sheldon Jackson College 
       10-11:  Louisville -- Joint meeting of General Assembly Council and 
               Committee on the Office of the General Assembly executive 
          12:  Richmond, Va. -- Synod of the Mid-Atlantic 
       13-14:  Shreveport, La. -- Presbytery of the Pines 
                                  First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport 
          15:  Springfield, Ill. -- Westminster Presbyterian Church 
       16-19:  Guatemala -- National Evangelical Presbyterian Church of 
       20-21:  St. Simon's Island, Ga. -- Synod of South Atlantic 
                                          Presbyterian Women Gathering 
          22:  Venetia, Pa. -- Peters Creek United Presbyterian Church 
                               200th anniversary 
          23:   Norfolk, Va. -- Eastern Virginia Presbytery 
          27:   Onida, S.D. -- South Dakota Presbytery 
          29:   Anaheim, Calif. -- First Presbyterian Church 125th 
       30-31:   Big Spring, Texas -- home 

For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
  Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, KY 40202
  phone 502-569-5504            fax 502-569-8073  
  E-mail   Web page: 


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