From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Youth Advisory Delegate Schedule Released
04 May 1996 19:49:41
95432 Youth Advisory Delegate Schedule Released
as Overtures Arrive Calling for Return of Full Slate
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--The Office of the General Assembly has released its list
of which presbyteries will send Youth Advisory Delegates (YADs) to the
General Assembly in even- and odd-numbered years.
The division was necessitated when the 207th General Assembly (1995)
voted to cut the number of YADs in half, with each presbytery sending a YAD
to the Assembly every other year instead of annually.
The issue was hotly debated at the Cincinnati Assembly and two of the
first four overtures to the 208th General Assembly (1996) call for
restoration of the full complement of YADs. The two presbyteries calling
for a return to the "every presbytery every year" YAD representation are
Winnebago and Twin Cities Area.
Meanwhile, the presbyteries who will send YADs to the 1996 General
Assembly are Abingdon, Alaska, Arkansas, Beaver-Butler, Boise, Cascades,
Central Florida, Central Washington, Charlotte, Chicago, Dakota, Denver,
Detroit, Donegal, East Iowa, Elizabeth, Florida, Foothills, Geneva, Grand
Canyon, Great Rivers, Greater Atlanta, Holston, Homestead, Hudson River,
Huntingdon, Indian Nations, James, John Calvin, Lake Erie, Lake Michigan,
Lehigh, Los Ranchos
And Miami, Middle Tennessee, Milwaukee, Missouri River Valley,
Missouri Union, Monmouth, Muskingum Valley, National Capital, New Castle,
New Covenant, New Harmony, New Hope, New York City, Noroeste, North Central
Iowa, North Puget Sound, Northern Kansas, Northern New England, Northern
Waters, Ohio Valley, Palisades, Pittsburgh, Plains and Peaks, Redwoods,
Riverside, Sacramento, St. Andrew, Salem, San Gabriel, San Jose, Santa
As well as Santa Fe, Savannah, Sheppards & Lapsley, South Dakota,
South Louisiana, Stockton, Suroeste, Susquehanna Valley, Tampa Bay,
Transylvania, Tres Rios, Trinity, Upper Ohio Valley, Utah, Utica, Wabash
Valley, Washington, Western Kentucky, Western New York, Western Reserve,
and Yellowstone.
For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, KY 40202
phone 502-569-5504 fax 502-569-8073
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