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Matthew Lynn, Oldest Living Moderator, Dies

Date 04 May 1996 20:30:36


           Matthew Lynn, Oldest Living Moderator, Dies 
                      by Jerry L. Van Marter 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--Robert Matthew Lynn, 91, the oldest living former 
moderator of the General Assembly, died Jan. 10 at the home of his son, 
Ross, in Dallas. 
     Lynn, a native of Palatka, Fla., was moderator of the 1969 General 
Assembly of the former Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS).  As 
a leader in the Southern stream of the then divided Presbyterian Church, he 
worked tirelessly for reunion and observers recall him standing in the back 
of the Assembly hall in Columbus, Ga., when the PCUS voted for reunion with 
tears of joy streaming down his face. 
     Born April 1, 1904, "Matt" Lynn graduated from Presbyterian College in 
Clinton, S.C., and Union Theological Seminary in Richmond.  He was ordained 
by the Presbytery of South Carolina in 1927. 
     Lynn served churches in Charleston, W.Va.; and Coleman, Brownsville, 
Houston, Midland and Dallas, Texas.  In addition to his service as General 
Assembly moderator, he moderated the presbyteries of Kanawha, Brownwood, 
Brazos and El Paso and the Synod of Texas.  He was also on the board of 
directors of Austin College and Mo-Ranch.  Lynn's other service on boards, 
agencies and committees of the church are too numerous to list. 
     Matt Lynn is survived by his wife, Pearl; five children: Robert T. 
Lynn of Weatherford, Okla., Nona E. Richardson of Santa Fe, N.M., Mary 
Deane Lynn of Santa Fe, Ross P. Lynn of Dallas, and Warren M. Lynn of Fort 
Worth, Texas; a sister, Elizabeth E. Lynn of Black Mountain, N.C.; 11 
grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. 
     A memorial service for Robert Matthew Lynn will be held Jan. 13 at 
Frist Presbyterian Church of Dallas. 

For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
  Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, KY 40202
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