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Moderator Appoints African-American Education Task Force
04 May 1996 20:38:48
96025 Moderator Appoints African-American Education Task Force
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--Marj Carpenter has appointed an eight-member task force
that is charged to provide more information about African-American history
and resources to developers of the Presbyterian Church's educational
The African-American Task Force on Christian Education was authorized
by the 1995 General Assembly in response to concerns expressed in a
commissioners' resolution that "the General Assembly Council staff design
has not provided African American staff persons to address African American
education concerns."
The task force was sought, according to the resolution, because
"African American Presbyterian congregations need to develop appropriate
Christian education programs that strengthen the relationship between
church and community, empower people to address their context with hope,
and help them overcome the powerlessness of apathy and escape."
The Assembly asked the task force "to compile information such as, but
not limited to, the history and resources of the African and African
American heritage and feedback from listening sessions with the Christian
education community and the African American community."
The task force is scheduled to report to the 209th General Assembly
Members of the task force are Cordell Wynn (moderator), president of
Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, Ala.; John Baugh of Westlake Village,
Calif., and a member of the National Ministries Division committee; the
Rev. James Costen of Atlanta, an educator and former General Assembly
moderator; Valerie Giles-Reynolds of Detroit, a member of the National
Black Presbyterian Caucus; John Grayson of Los Angeles, a member of the
Presbyterian Church's African-American Advisory Committee; Mary Jane
Patterson of Washington, D.C., former director of the denomination's
Washington Office; the Rev. Paul Smith of Brooklyn, N.Y.; and Byron Wade of
Richmond, Va., a member of the Congregational Ministries Division
Staff to the committee are the Rev. Jaime Delgado, associate for
curriculum development in the Congregational Ministries Division, and the
Rev. Rita Dixon, associate for black congregational enhancement in the
National Ministries Division.
For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, KY 40202
phone 502-569-5504 fax 502-569-8073
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