From the Worldwide Faith News archives
05 May 1996 07:32:52
by Jerry L. Van Marter
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation has announced the
election of two new trustees and the appointment of a regional
development director in Pennsylvania.
The two new trustees are the Rev. Eugene C. Bay, pastor of
Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church in Bryn Mawr, Pa., and R. James
Henderson, Vice President for Finance and Administration at Case
Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Henderson is an elder at
Fairmount Presbyterian Church in Cleveland.
Thomas W. Golightly, an elder at Waverly Presbyterian Church
in Pittsburgh, is the foundation's new development officer serving
Beaver-Butler, Lake Erie, Kiskiminetas, Shenango and Pittsburgh
presbyteries in the Synod of the Trinity. He was formerly campaign
director of Ketchum, Inc., a company providing counsel to non-
profit organizations involved in capital campaigns.
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The Rev. Lori Kosinski, chair of the General Assembly Council,
gave birth January 3 to a son, John Paul. At birth he weighed
eight-and-a-half pounds and measured 21-1/2 inches in length.
Lori, John Paul and father, Mike, are all reported doing well.
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The Rev. Robert W. Bohl, moderator of the General Assembly,
was installed as the first ecumenical canon of the Episcopal
Cathedral of St. George the Martyr in Jerusalem on Dec. 18. The
honor was conferred by the Rt. Rev. Samir Kafity, Bishop of
Jerusalem, in recognition of the longstanding partnership between
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Episcopal Church in
Jerusalem and the Middle East.
# # #
The Congregational Ministries Division has announced the
appointment of Karen E. Smith to manage the newly established
General Assembly Resource Center at the Presbyterian Center in
Louisville. Smith was formerly manager of the bookstore at
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
The new resource center will be comprised of displays of all
the resources produced by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Located in the atrium of the Presbyterian Center, it occupies space
that formerly housed the Presbyterian Center bookstore, which was
closed last June by the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation.
# # #
The Rev. Donald Purkey, interim pastor of Sunrise Presbyterian
Church in Hialeah, Fla., and former pastor within the Presbyterian
Center in Louisville, has received reports from his cardiologist
of a "remarkable recovery" from a Nov. 26 heart attack. Although
there was some damage to his heart, Purkey has been cleared to
return to work. In a telephone conversation with the Presbyterian
News Service's Alexa Smith, Purkey also wanted to clarify that he
had one heart attack, though reports of two had circulated.
# # #
M. Garlinda Burton, director of the Nashville office of the
United Methodist News Service for 11 years, has been named editor
of the denomination's program journal, "Interpreter," effective
Feb. 1.
She replaces the Rev. Ralph Baker, who has edited the journal
since 1992. Baker is moving to the United Methodist News Service,
where he will be a writer/editor.
# # #
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