From the Worldwide Faith News archives
05 May 1996 12:55:39
by Jerry L. Van Marter
The Rev. William D. McIvor, pastor of Millwood Presbyterian Church in
Spokane, Wash., has been elected chair of the General Assembly Council for
1995-96. He takes office at the end of the upcoming General Assembly in
Cincinnati. McIvor succeeds the Rev. Lori Zang Kosinski of Souderton, Pa.
At its March 8-12 meeting in Louisville, the Council also elected
Patricia Niles of Tustin, Calif., its vice-chair.
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The Rev. David L. Dobler, moderator of the 1993 General Assembly, was
elected executive presbyter of Yukon Presbytery in Alaska at the
presbytery's March 11 meeting. Dobler has been pastor of Jewel Lake
Parish, a joint Presbyterian-Methodist congregation, since 1985.
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Paul Davies, a physicist and professor at the University of Adelaide,
Australia, has been named winner of the 1995 Templeton Prize for progress
in religion. His selection was announced March 8.
Davies, who calls himself a "lapsed Anglican," has garnered much
renown in scientific and theological circles for updating the traditional
theological argument that the proof of God's existence can be found in the
inherent order of the universe.
The prize is named for John Templeton, a Presbyterian native of the
United States who made a fortune in mutual funds and now lives in the
Bahamas. The prize carries with it $650,000.
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The Presbytery of the Pacific has suspended the Rev. Donn Moomaw from
the ministry through Jan. 1, 1997. The action to "temporarily exclude"
Moomaw from ministry in the Presbyterian Church came after he entered a "no
contest" response to charges of sexual misconduct with adult women. Moomaw
served as pastor of the Bel Air Presbyterian Church for 29 years.
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Former General Assembly staff member Mary Ann Lundy will be part of a
World Council of Churches (WCC) delegation visiting the Vatican April 4-6.
Lundy, now WCC deputy general secretary, will accompany General Secretary
Konrad Raiser to a series of meetings, including an audience with Pope John
Paul II.
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Claire Skidmore McClanahan, 36, a professor at King College in
Bristol, Tenn., died Feb. 28 after a two-year struggle with cancer.
Services were held March 2 at First Presbyterian Church in Bristol.
McClanahan was a graduate of the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill and American University in Washington, D.C. She is survived by
her husband, the Rev. James McClanahan, her parents, a sister and a
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