From the Worldwide Faith News archives
05 May 1996 13:04:59
by Jerry L. Van Marter
The Rev. John E. Strausz Clement, executive presbyter for Pittsburgh
Presbytery since February 1991, has announced his resignation, effective
May 31.
"I'm experiencing the closure of God's call to me through Pittsburgh
Presbytery and the end of our relationship together," Clement wrote in his
resignation statement. He said he has been contemplating this move for
several months.
Clement, 61, has not announced any future plans.
# # #
The Rev. Robert H. Meneilly, recently retired pastor of Village
Presbyterian Church in Prairie Village, Kan., has been named recipient of
the 1995 Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award.
The award, named after the 33rd President of the United States, is
presented each year on Truman's birthday (May 8) "to persons whose work
improves their community and nation." The award was presented to Meneilly
at a luncheon in his honor in Kansas City.
# # #
The Rev. Paul Philip Rader has been hired as coordinator for the
Coalition for Appalachian Ministry (CAM). A native of Appalachia, Rader is
currently pastor of Enslow Park Presbyterian Church in Huntington, W.V.
Rader, who succeeds the Rev. Frank Hare, begins his new work August 1,
operating out of the Knoxville, Tenn. office.
# # #
Pat Bent, who for many years was in charge of General Assembly
arrangements and registration in the Office of the General Assembly for the
former Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS), died May 16 in
Atlanta. Bent, an elder in North Decatur (Ga.) Presbyterian Church, had
worked part time in the office of Greater Atlanta Presbytery since her
retirement from national staff. She is survived by three children.
# # #
Mildred C. Artis, who retired in 1987 as associate for educational
planning and support for the former Synod of the South, died May 1 in
Wilson, N.C. Artis was a graduate of Barber-Scotia College and Johnson C.
Smith University. Services were held in Wilson's Calvary Presbyterian
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