From the Worldwide Faith News archives
05 May 1996 13:05:01
by Jerry L. Van Marter
Samuel T. Durrance, 51, a member of the Havenwood Presbyterian Church
in Lutherville, Md., and a principal research scientist in the Center for
Astrophysical Sciences at Johns Hopkins University, returned to space in
February aboard the space shuttle Endeavor.
Durrance's first mission occurred in December of 1990 aboard the space
shuttle Columbia. He is a renowned expert in the field of highly advanced
# # #
Two Presbyterians figured prominently in the April 25 White House Farm
Conference in Ames, Iowa. The Rev. Allen Jergenson, pastor of First
Presbyterian Church in Foley, Minn., was a conference panelist, and the
Rev. Marty Rief of the staff of Prairiefire, a community ministry in Des
Moines, Iowa, served as a conference participant.
Jergenson and Rief are expected to share their insights from the
conference with the Rural Ministry Advisory Committee of the Evangelism and
Church Development program area in the National Ministries Division.
# # #
The Presbyterian Health, Education and Welfare Association (PHEWA) has
announced that the winner of its inaugural Community Ministry Award is the
Kendall-Whittier Ministry (KWM) of Tulsa, Okla. The award will be
presented at PHEWA's General Assembly event, July 17 in Cincinnati.
KWM is an ecumenical association of seven inner-city congregations,
including two Presbyterian churches, that has joined with city officials,
business leaders and the Presbyterian Church-related University of Tulsa to
revitalize the once-dead community.
# # #
The Rev. Richard M. Ferguson, director of Bicentennial Fund follow-up
efforts, has announced his retirement, effective at the conclusion of the
upcoming General Assembly in Cincinnati.
Ferguson has worked with The Bicentennial Fund since its inception,
first as a paid staff member and more recently as a full-time volunteer.
# # #
Following the devastating terror bombing of the A.P. Murrah Federal
Building in Oklahoma City, the Office of the General Assembly received a
message of "deep solidarity" and "sincere condolences" from Milan
Opocensky, general secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches.
# # #
Marian McClure, a member of the denomination's Mission Funding team
and a May graduate of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, has
been awarded the David H.C. Read Award from the Madison Avenue Presbyterian
Church in New York City.
The $10,000 interdenominational award goes annually to a seminary
# # #
The Rev. Don Wilson, associate director for social justice in the
National Ministries Division, has announced his retirement, effective June
30. Wilson has been a member of the denomination's national staff for 27
years and has served as a minister for 42 years.
"Don Wilson is a dedicated servant of the Presbyterian Church and the
ecumenical movement, having been actively involved in the history of both,"
said Curtis A. Kearns Jr., director of the National Ministries Division.
"In the short time that has elapsed since his retirement was announced, the
overwhelming sentiment expressed by his fellow employees is that his
extensive knowledge and experience will be truly missed.
"This type of response provides valuable insight into Don's worth to
the church that he has so faithfully served," Kearns said.
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