From the Worldwide Faith News archives


Date 05 May 1996 13:16:45


95229                   NOTES ABOUT PEOPLE 
                      by Jerry L. Van Marter 
     The Rev. John R. "Pete" Hendrick, professor of mission and evangelism 
at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary since 1981, retired on May 31. 
     A graduate of Austin College as well as Austin Seminary, Hendrick has 
also served as a pastor in Arkansas and Texas and as executive presbyter 
for the Presbytery of New Covenant. 
     Hendrick has agreed to become executive secretary for the Presbyterian 
Historical Society of the Southwest, an agency of the Synod of the Sun. He 
is also a continuing member of the General Assembly Council, where for the 
last two years he has served as chair of the Worldwide Ministries Division 
                              # # # 
     The Rev. Jack B. McMichael, professor emeritus at Columbia Theological 
Seminary, died June 16 in Texas.  He was 84. 
     McMichael retired as dean of ministry development and professor of 
church administration and polity in 1976.  Prior to that he served 
pastorates in Louisiana, Mississippi and West Virginia.  He was a regional 
Christian education director for the former Presbyterian Church in the 
United States (PCUS) and was coordinator of curriculum development for the 
PCUS Board of Christian Education in Richmond, Va. 
                              # # # 
     The Rev. Isaiah Jones, Jr., pastor of Community United Presbyterian 
Church in Los Angeles, has resigned to become director of United Campus 
Ministry at Oregon State University in Corvallis. 
                              # # # 
     The Rev. Thomas A. Phillips began work as executive presbyter for the 
Presbytery of Plains and Peaks on July 1.  His office is in Greeley, Colo. 
     The Presbytery of Plains and Peaks is the result of the merger earlier 
this year of the former Boulder and Box Butte presbyteries. 

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