From the Worldwide Faith News archives


Date 05 May 1996 07:32:50


                     by Jerry L. Van Marter 
ATLANTA--For the first time in its 25-year history, the 
Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP) has 
ceded authority to validate and fund self-development projects to 
outside agencies. 
     At its Jan. 20-21 meeting here, the committee gave three 
"intermediary funding partners" blocks of money to identify, 
evaluate and fund international projects that meet SDOP funding 
criteria.  Previously, only the national committee and certified 
synod and presbytery SDOP committees had the authority to validate 
and fund self-development projects. 
     Two of the three intermediaries are programs of the World 
Council of Churches.  The WCC's Ecumenical Church Loan Fund (ECLOF) 
was granted $300,000 over two years and the Women in Rural 
Development Programme was given $75,000. 
     The third recipient was the Coptic Evangelical Organization 
for Social Services (CEOSS), the Presbyterian Church's primary 
partner church agency in Egypt.  CEOSS received $200,000 over three 
     "Many international projects are located in places where 
evaluation of prospective projects is extremely difficult," said 
the Rev. Fred Walls, SDOP coordinator.  "Our partnership with these 
ecumenical programs will facilitate and speed the process of 
cooperation with poor, oppressed and disadvantaged people in 
development countries." 
     The move to use intermediary agencies to locate and evaluate 
international self-development projects was recommended to the 
national committee last year in its self-evaluation report, 
"Journey to Justice." 
     In all, the committee funded 22 projects totaling $1,029,635. 
     In other business, the committee elected Nancy Boutelle of 
Beloit, Wis., its chairperson for the next year.  She succeeds the 
Rev. Joel Gajardo of Lincoln, Neb.  Olga Hawkins of Inglewood, 
Calif., was elected vice-chairperson. 
Projects Funded by National Self-Development of People Committee 
                        January 21, 1995 
The Cassava Agri-Business Project Phase II, Sarawee Village, 
Belize: $19,320 to further develop a program to plant fruit and 
vegetables, process them and sell them in local markets. 
Mchenga Village Selp-Help Project, Blantyre, Malawi: $2,800 to 
construct a borehole for potable water. 
Compassion Maize and Vegetable Growing Project, Sare-Awendo, Kenya: 
$5,100 to grow maize and vegetables for food and sale and purchase 
a water pump. 
Ecumenical Church Loan Fund, Geneva, Switzerland: $300,000 to 
establish an intermediary partnership to fund projects that meet 
Self-Development of People criteria. 
Kakye-Bonakye  Co-op Agricultural Producers and Marketing Society, 
Bonakye, Ghana: $29,500 to purchase a tractor and accessories, 
farming implements and other equipment in order to cultivate 200 
acres of farmland. 
Draught Animal Power Project, Masiebi, Kenya: $6,000 to purchase 
oxen for plowing, weeding and transportation. 
Women in Rural Development Programme, Geneva, Switzerland: $75,000 
to establish an intermediary partnership to fund projects that meet 
Self-Development of People criteria. 
Ando Kpave Women Ground Nut Cooperative Project, Ve-koloenu, Ghana: 
$9,600 to grow and process ground nuts into food, fats and oils. 
Gbledi Chebi Cooperative Rice Project, Gbledi Chebi, Ghana: $12,755 
to establish a 60-hectare rice farm. 
Kowiti `B' Agricultural Project, Kanyiriama, Kenya: $11,210 to grow 
vegetables for food and sale. 
Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services, Cairo, Egypt: 
$200,000 to establish an intermediary partnership to fund projects 
that meet Self-Development of People criteria. 
Santiago Agricola Cooperative of Agricultural and Other Services, 
Aldea Santiago Agricola, Guatemala: $30,000 to establish a farm for 
the raising, breeding and selling of green iguanas for meat. 
Potable Water System Expansion, Santa Rosa, Guatemala: $28,500 to 
expand potable water service in the community. 
New Sudan Council of Churches, Kenya: $20,000 to establish an 
intermediary partnership to fund projects that meet Self- 
Development of People criteria. 
Nobel Neighbors, Chicago: $30,000 to expand the 100-member 
organization's community services and leadership training program 
into two new schools, develop new block clubs and form new housing 
Kennebec Valley CoHousing Cooperative, Readfield, Maine: $47,000 
to build a common house for the 24-family cooperative that will 
provide space for offices, meeting rooms,kitchen, root cellar, 
dining room and storage facilities. 
STEPS Drop in Center, Bradford, Pa.: $25,000 to develop a site 
where approximately 200 mental health consumers in the community 
can meet for social functions and craft work. 
"New Creation" Musical Cooperative, Malden, Mass.: $47,850 to help 
purchase a van and sound equipment for the 10-member musical 
cooperative among poor Hispanics in the greater Boston area. 
Viviendas para Inquilinos del Valle Aliado, Salinas, Calif.: 
$35,000 to empower a community of farmworkers to advocate for their 
housing and economic rights. 
Acequia de Los Gallegos, Ojo Caliente, N.M.: $30,000 to renovate 
a six-mile communal irrigation ditch in the 32-family farmers' 
Tonatierra Community Development Institute, Phoenix, Ariz.: $25,000 
to create a community center to educate and empower poor first- 
generation Hispanic immigrants and their families to become self- 
Fair Budget Eastern Washington Project, Spokane, Wash.: $30,000 to 
empower low-income citizens of the community to work for positive 
welfare reform and address the root causes of poverty, such as lack 
of jobs, job training and education. 
                                # # # 

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