From the Worldwide Faith News archives
05 May 1996 13:06:45
by Alexa Smith
RICHMOND, Va.--Craig C. Stein has been appointed assistant professor of
theology at the Presbyterian School of Christian education, according to
President Wayne G. Boulton. Stein will assume his post September 1.
ATLANTA--Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) recently received the
latest (of five) installment of $11,750 from a $58,750 gift from the AT&T
Foundation to help in the restoration of rare and valuable books. The
first installment was used to restore rare books related to the black
experience, many of which date back to the early 1800s.
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--Three new board members have been elected to four-year
terms on the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary board of
trustees. They are: Jeane Dugan of Grand Rapids, Mich.; Mary Lou Friesen
of Lexington, Ky.; and Michael F. Ryan of Columbus, Ind.
AUSTIN, Texas--Jack Stotts, president of Austin Theological Seminary, has
announced his plans to retire on or near July 1, according to the
seminary's board of trustees. A search committee is being formed to
appoint his successor. Stotts served for 11 years as president of the
SAN ANSELMO, Calif.--San Francisco Theological Seminary presented two
Distinguished Alumni/ae Awards at graduation recognizing outstanding
contributions in parish ministry and in service to the broader church.
Recipients were the Rev. Douglas Huneke, pastor of Westminister
Presbyterian Church in Tiburon, Calif., for his achievements in promoting
interfaith reconciliation and understanding of the lessons of the
Holocaust, and the Rev. Donald Register, whose ministry has involved
collaboration with the disenfranchised through community organization and
outreach. Register served the Berea Presbyterian Church and the
presbyteries of St. Louis and Chicago.
CHICAGO--The board of trustees of the McCormick Theological Seminary has
announced the appointment of the Rev. Deborah J. Kapp as assistant
professor of ministry. She will begin her responsibilities at the seminary
on June 15.
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