From the Worldwide Faith News archives
05 May 1996 08:38:15
by Jerry L. Van Marter
SYRACUSE, N.Y.--At its recent meeting, the Synod of the Northeast honored
nine projects and one individual as part of its "Year of the Child"
observance. The individual honored was Frank G. Pentz of Lodi, N.Y.
Projects recognized for their contributions to children were Little
Falls Community Outreach, a ministry of First Presbyterian Church, Little
Falls, N.Y.; Caring Hearts Ministry of First Presbyterian Church,
Haddonfield, N.J.; the Adopt-a-School program of First Presbyterian Church,
Buffalo, N.Y.; Young Khmer Men in Action, a ministry of Eliot Church,
Lowell, Mass.; Fourth Presbyterian Church Music and Arts Program, South
Boston, Mass.; Adventure Club of Covenant Presbyterian Church, Trenton,
N.J.; Students Against Violence Everywhere, a ministry of New York City
Presbytery; Youth Ministry of St. Albans Presbyterian Church, St. Albans,
N.Y.; and the Lawrence Summer Project Program, United Presbyterian Church,
Lawrence, Mass.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala.--The Education/Leadership Ministry Unit of Sheppards &
Lapsley Presbytery is sponsoring teacher training events at three
different locations on August 26. They will be held at First Presbyterian
Church, Anniston; Westminster Presbyterian Church, Montgomery; and Chapel
in the Pines, Birmingham.
Each event will include teacher training for nursery through adult
classes, plus workshops on crafts and games and music and drama.
MINNEAPOLIS--Isabel Rogers, former General Assembly moderator and professor
of applied Christianity at the Presbyterian School of Christian Education,
will be keynote speaker for the Presbytery of Twin Cities Area's
"Presbyfest 95," September 29 at Faith Presbyterian Church in Minnetonka.
Rogers will speak on "The Culture Wars," focusing on why people with
differing views seem to be more and more impatient and less and less
tolerant. The event will also include a number of workshops on a variety
of topics.
ROCK HILL, S.C.--In mid-June a delegation of seven persons from Providence
Presbytery embarked on a two-week mission trip to Central America. The
trip marked the 10th anniversary of the presbytery's involvement with a
number of projects in Honduras and Guatemala.
Over the years, the presbytery has worked with the Christian
Commission for Development in Honduras and AGAPE, a ministry of the
National Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Guatemala, and Heifer Project
International. Much of the presbytery's work in the region is funded by
its annual "Dimes for Hunger" offering.
ANAHEIM, Calif.--The September 21 meeting of Los Ranchos Presbytery will
include a mission fair, highlighting the activities of the presbytery's
churches and Presbyterian mission projects around the world.
Keynote speaker is the Rev. Robert W. Bohl, moderator of the 1994
General Asssembly. Special guests will be a delegation from Limuru
Presbytery in Kenya, part of the Presbyterian Church in East Africa.
BAINBRIDGE, N.Y.--Susquehanna Valley Presbytery will sponsor its third
annual "Small Church Celebration," Sept. 30 at South Hills Presbyterian
Church in Vestal, N.Y.
The celebration, entitled "We Gather Together," will focus on worship
in small churches.
SEATTLE--In mid-May, more than 200 members of Seattle Presbytery gathered
to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Presbyterian Counseling Service
(PCS) and honor its founding director, the Rev. Neal A. Kuyper.
Kuyper began PCS in 1960 out of the Wee Kirk Chapel at Seattle's
University Presbyterian Church. Today, 27 counselors work out of 16 office
locations around Puget Sound, making PCS the fifth largest pastoral
counseling center in the United States.
To honor Kuyper, who served as executive director for 23 years, PCS
established the Neal A. Kuyper Award to be given annually in recognition
of outstanding service to the community and named Kuyper its first
TRENTON, N.J.--Ivo Markovic, a Franciscan priest from Susanj,
Bosnia-Herzegovina and an international peacemaker for the Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.), will be the guest of New Brunswick Presbytery from Oct.
9-13. His visit will include a major address to the presbytery at its Oct.
10 meeting.
Markovic is currently a refugee in Zagreb, Croatia. He is featured in
a Mennonite video, "Beyond the News: Hope for Bosnia," in which he tells of
the slaughter of his father and eight close relatives by Muslim troops and
of his determination to nevertheless work for peace in his homeland.
LINCOLN, Neb.--The Christian Education Committee of Homestead Presbytery is
sponsoring a workshop on music in Christian education, Sept. 9 at Lincoln
Heritage Presbyterian Church in Lincoln.
The workshop, led by noted music book author Yohann Anderson, will
focus on how to lead music, how to use music as an educational and
inspirational tool, how to spark group participation through music and how
to produce musical and dramatic presentations in the church.
HAVERHILL, Mass.--Northern New England Presbytery is sponsoring a dinner
cruise on Lake Winnipesaukee Sept. 24. Proceeds from the evening of dining
and entertainment will go toward capital improvements at the presbytery's
Camp Wilmot.
NASHVILLE, Tenn.--The Synod of Living Waters has established four mission
priorities for 1995-1999. They are:
* church growth and development
* communication
* ministry with higher education
* racial ethnic advocacy and resourcing
Proposed goals, objectives, programs and budgets for the priorities
will be brought to the Sept. 25-26 meeting of the synod.
UTICA, N.Y.--The third annual pulpit exchange in Utica Presbytery will take
place Sunday, Oct. 15. To date, 12 churches and 14 preachers have agreed to
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