From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Anglican UN Office Addresses International Debt Crisis
06 May 1996 06:14:24
Canon James M. Rosenthal, Director of Communications
Anglican Communion News Service
157 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UT, England
Tel. 44 0171 620-1110
Fax 44 0171 620-1071
#751 ACC - 2 November 1995
Anglican UN Office Addresses International Debt Crisis
The following statement has been received from the Anglican United
Nations Office in New York.
(ACNS - Anglican Communion News Service) The Anglican UN Office as
an instrument of the Anglican Communion is deeply concerned about
the impact of structural adjustment policies and the adverse effects
they have had on the people and the social climate of a number of
developing countries. Leaders in both the religious and non-
religious community share these concerns and have called for reforms
of World Bank and International Monetary Fund policies which have
contributed to conditions of poverty in both developed and
developing countries.
Increasingly, the public outcry against the policies of these
international financial institutions has prompted a need to
carefully analyse the reform measures that can be undertaken. To
this end, the Anglican Communion Office at the United Nations, in
partnership with a Consortium of New York Seminaries, the Episcopal
Church's Peace and Justice Ministries, and the World Council of
Church's UN Office will be hosting a Round Table Conference on a
Christian Response to the International Debt Crisis on 16-17 May,
1996. The Conference will examine the debt crisis from a Christian
theological perspective with the specific goal of developing
tangible, realisable, and implementable reform measures which can be
carefully evaluated and implemented by the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund.
Prior to the May Round Table Conference, the Anglican UN Office will
be gathering information from the World Bank and the IMF, the
Anglican Peace and Justice Network, and Non-Governmental
Organisations. The results of the Round Table will be published and
circulated to the general public following the conference.
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