From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Brethren history video to premiere
George Conklin <>
27 May 1996 14:50:36
Fri, 10 May 1996
Video to lead series of new heritage resources
Nevin Dulabaum, (847) 742-5100
Director of News Services
Church of the Brethren
The video story of Brethren beginnings in Europe will be premiered at Annual
Conference in Cincinnati. The yet untitled video is the first in a cluster of
new Church of the Brethren heritage resources to be produced by the General
Board over the next three years.
Making its debut later this summer is the book "Fruit of the Vine: A
History of the Brethren, 1708-1995," by Donald F. Durnbaugh. The volume is
the first general history published by Brethren Press in several generations.
A study guide is projected to help congregations coordinate
use of the video and the book. Also, a team of writers has begun
work on heritage curriculums for all ages, to be published in
Covenant. The video recounts how the original eight Brethren,
who waded into the Eder River in Germany in 1708 to covenant with
God, uniquely combined two religious movements. One was the
Pietist emphasis on spiritual renewal of the individual. The
other was the Anabaptist practices of believer's baptism and life
lived in community.
The video further documents how the Brethren experiment in
radical obedience spread in Europe before being reborn in colonial America.
Presented are stories of early followers who placed their allegiance to God
over allegiance to ruling authorities.
TV actress Jill Eikenberry, who comes from Brethren ancestry,
narrates the video. Videotaping and scripting are by David
Sollenberger. Assisting with the script was historian Donald
Durnbaugh, who appears on camera, as do historians Jeff Bach,
Dale Brown, Dale Stoffer, and Bill Willoughby. The production
committee was Ken Shaffer, chair, Donald Durnbaugh, Julie Garber, and Howard
Context. The forthcoming book "Fruit of the Vine" is regarded
as the most comprehensive account of Church of the Brethren life
assembled in a single volume. The narrative is cast in a social
Working with Durnbaugh in readying the book for publication is
Brethren Press book editor Julie Garber.
Contributors. Enabling the video, the book, and the curriculum
projects to be undertaken were gifts of approximately $88,000
contributed as part of the $4 million Brethren Vision for the
'90s campaign.
Prices and release dates for the video, book, and study guide
will be announced by Brethren Press.
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