From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Notes about People

Date 08 Nov 1996 12:49:01

96447                   Notes about People 
                      by Jerry L. Van Marter 
     John P. (Jack) Marcum, associate for survey research in the Research 
Services office of the Congregational Ministries Division, has been elected 
president of the Southern Demographic Association for 1996-1997. 
                              # # # 
     The Rev. James C. Spalding, retired professor of religion at the 
University of Iowa and a candidate for moderator of the General Assembly in 
1988, died at his home in Iowa City on Nov. 5.   A member of East Iowa 
Presbytery, Spalding began his ministerial career in 1945 as assistant 
pastor of Fort Peck Larger Parish in Poplar, Mont.  He later taught at 
Missouri Valley College in Marshall, Mo., and Trinity University in San 
Antonio, Texas, while simultaneously serving pastorates in those cities. 
He went to the University of Iowa in 1956. 
     Messages of support to his wife, Virginia, and family may be sent to 
the Spalding family home, 315 Ridgeview, Iowa City, IA 52240.  Memorial 
services have been scheduled for Nov. 10 at St.  Andrew Presbyterian Church 
in Iowa City. 

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