From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Notes about People

Date 08 Nov 1996 12:49:08

96428                   Notes about People 
                      by Jerry L. Van Marter 
     Robert McKee, a Presbyterian elder and banker from Waverly, Iowa, has 
been named interim associate director for the Evangelism and Church 
Development program area of the National Ministries Division.  He 
temporarily fills the post left vacant by the retirement of the Rev. Frank 
     McKee has long been active in Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) governing 
bodies, most recently as a member of the Mission Development Resources 
Committee, which administers capital grants and loans for the General 
                              # # # 
     The Rev. Janice H. Willette, for the past seven years executive 
presbyter for San Francisco Presbytery, has announced her resignation, 
effective Dec. 10.  Willette will become the new Western Area Regional 
Representative for the Board of Pensions, succeeding the retiring Rev. 
David T.  Nakagawa. 
                              # # # 
     Sue Whitford, coordinator for the office of moderatorial services and 
staff to the General Assembly Nominating Committee in the Office of the 
General Asssembly, has resigned in order to accept a call as interim 
general presbyter and coordinator of the Anna Jackman Ministry for Alaska 
Presbytery.  Whitford begins her new work in Juneau, Alaska, January 1, 
                              # # # 
     The Rev. Kermit Overton, who as a member of the Joint Committee on 
Presbyterian Reunion was credited with authoring the concept of the 
Committee on Representation, died Oct. 18 after several years of struggling 
with cancer.   
     Overton retired in 1989 as pastor of First African Presbyterian Church 
in Philadelphia, the oldest African American Presbyterian congregation in 
the country.  It was founded in 1807 by John Gloucester, an escaped slave 
from Tennessee. 
     A memorial service for Kermit Overton has been scheduled for Nov. 2 at 
First African Presbyterian Church. 

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