From the Worldwide Faith News archives
News of Theological Institutions
18 Nov 1996 22:09:28
96462 News of Theological Institutions
by Alexa Smith
RICHMOND, Va.--A written proposal to unite the Presbyterian School of
Christian Education (PSCE) and Union Theological Seminary in Virginia may
be ready to go before the boards of trustees of the two institutions as
early as February, according to Deona Huff, PSCE's director of
communications. A Joint Board Committee is examining a "federation" or
"university" model that would create one institution with two schools and
would maintain the identity of both schools.
PITTSBURGH--Ronald Cole-Turner was installed to the H. Parker Sharp Chair
of Theology and Ethics on Nov. 12 at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.
During the same service, the chair was inaugurated in memory of Sharp, who
was an attorney, philanthropist and member of the seminary's board of
directors for 12 years. Ordained in the United Church of Christ,
Cole-Turner's work has revolved around issues related to technology,
science and the church. His two books include "The New Genesis: Theology
and the Genetic Revolution" and "Pastoral Genetics: Theology and Care at
the Beginning of Life."
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--The Germano Presbyterian Church of Jewett, Ohio, has
established a scholarship in rural ministry for at least one student yearly
at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (LPTS) in memory of the
Rev. J. Leslie and Lucile Bell, who served the church from 1975 until 1986.
The church held its final worship service Sept. 24, 1995. Bell graduated
from LPTS in 1930. The couple's son, Donald, and grandson, John, both
attended LPTS; and their granddaughter-in-law, the Rev. Leah Akers-Bell,
served as the seminary's director of admissions from 1986 until 1991.
CHICAGO--The board of trustees of McCormick Theological Seminary recently
named the Rev. Homer U. Ashby as the W. Clement and Jessie V. Stone
Professor of Pastoral Care. The chair was established in 1977. Ashby
joined McCormick's faculty in 1979 and was named a full professor in 1990.
An ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, Ashby is a fellow of the
American Association of Pastoral Counselors and is a member of the Society
for Pastoral Theology.
SAN ANSELMO, Calif.--Carol Robb was installed as the Margaret S. Dollar
Professor of Christian Social Ethics of San Francisco Theological Seminary
in an Oct. 8 service in the seminary's Stewart Chapel. Robb joined the
faculty in 1985 and was named professor of Christian Social Ethics in 1994.
Based on Hosea 5:13-6:13, Robb's address focused on the roles of Christian
faith, economics and the ecological crisis.
DECATUR, Ga.-- The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s Health Ministries' Office
has awarded a $10,000 grant to Columbia Theological Seminary to assist in
development of a collaborative health ministries project for seminaries and
congregations. The project is coordinated by Ernestine B. Cole, associate
dean of students, and it is designed to create a model that can be
replicated throughout the church. The grant is part of an effort to
respond to the 200th General Assembly, which promoted a comprehensive
approach to health in the life and mission of the church.
AUSTIN, Texas--The James I. and Hazel McCord Community Center on the campus
of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary was dedicated Oct. 19. The
25,000-foot center contains a fellowship hall for large assemblies,
classrooms, an audio-and-videotaping studio, a multimedia lecture room, a
recreation area and offices, as well as a student lounge. McCord served as
part of University Presbyterian Church in Austin before joining the
seminary's faculty as a professor of theology in 1944. He became dean in
1945 and continued as professor and dean until 1959, when he was elected as
president of Princeton Theological Seminary.
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