From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Attend WCC Conference

Date 11 Nov 1996 23:36:36

"UNITED METHODIST DAILY NEWS" by SUSAN PEEK on Aug. 11, 1991 at 13:58 Eastern,

Note 3280 by UMNS on Nov. 11, 1996 at 16:12 Eastern (2273 characters).

SEARCH: World Council of Churches, evangelism
Produced by United Methodist News Service, official news agency of
the United Methodist Church, with offices in Nashville, Tenn., New
York, and Washington.

CONTACT:  Linda Bloom                            566(10-71B){3280}
          New York (212) 870-3803                    Nov. 11, 1996

United Methodists among U.S. delegation
to WCC evangelism conference in Brazil

                 by United Methodist News Service

     United Methodists will be among the nearly 50 U.S. church
leaders and laypeople attending the World Council of Churches'
(WCC) Conference on World Mission and Evangelism Nov. 24-Dec. 3 in
Salvador, Brazil.
     With the theme, "Called to One Hope -- The Gospel in Diverse
Cultures" -- the 500 conference participants will focus on the
results of the WCC's five-year international study on gospel and
     Keynote speakers will be Musimbi Kanyoro of Kenya, Africa --
a continent where Christianity continues to attract large numbers
of converts -- and Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk, who leads the
Department of External Affairs for the Russian Orthodox Church.
Kirill will address concerns about activities of Christian
missionaries who have sought converts in Russia since the collapse
of Communism.
     The Rev. Christopher Duraisingh, a clergyman, educator and
theologian from the Church of South India, has been preparing for
the event since 1989 as a WCC staff member.
     The Brazil event is the latest in a series that began in
Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1910. The last WCC Conference on World
Mission and Evangelism took place in San Antonio, Texas, in 1989.
     Among the United Methodists attending are the Rev. Robert
Harman, a United Methodist Board of Global Ministries staff
executive; the Rev. Lonnie Turnipseed, a retired National Council
of Churches (NCC) executive; the Rev. Terry MacArthur, the WCC
worship consultant in Geneva and two members of the United
Methodist Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious
Concerns, Ellen Guldseth of Dallas and Tweedy Sombrero of Phoenix.
Ana Christina Toledo, a Board of Global Ministries mission intern,
will serve as a young adult steward.
                              #  #  #


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