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Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grants $250,000 to NCC's Burned
08 Nov 1996 12:49:18
Churches Fund 23-October-1996
96422 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Grants $250,000 to NCC's Burned Churches Fund
by Carol J. Fouke
NEW YORK--A grant of $250,000 has been made by the Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation to the Burned Churches Fund established by the National Council
of Churches (NCC) and supported by a broad ecumenical and interfaith
community. The grant, announced Oct. 18, is designated for the restoration
of the churches.
The Burned Churches Fund was established in May to help with the
rebuilding of houses of worship that have been burned or desecrated for
reasons of hate. The NCC currently is assessing 124 houses of worship that
have been attacked, most of them African American churches.
"This gift from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation comes at a crucial
time," said the Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, NCC general secretary.
An unprecedented coalition brings together Protestant, Orthodox, and
Roman Catholic churches, foundations, corporations, Jewish groups, Muslims,
Unitarians and others to rebuild the churches. Most of the churches are in
isolated, rural areas and have small congregations. They often are
underinsured or have no insurance at all.
Thousands of volunteers have offered to help with the rebuilding. The
volunteer effort is coordinated by Habitat for Humanity. Offers of
construction material and modular units to use as offices until the
churches can be rebuilt have come from corporations.
The Enterprise Foundation has offered $2 million in pre-construction
loans, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is
guaranteeing $10 million in construction loans for houses of worship that
have experienced arson. The latter is being coordinated through a National
Rebuilding Initiative, which is led by the NCC, HUD, and the Congress of
National Black Churches and includes major financial institutions,
not-for-profits and trade organizations.
As of Oct. 16, the Burned Churches Fund had received more than $4.6
million in cash from foundations, church bodies, congregations and
individuals, along with commitments of in-kind resources valued at roughly
$3.4 million, putting total available resources at more than $8 million.
Of that amount, just under $7 million has been budgeted for
restoration of burned churches and $1.1 million for program work to address
the racism that underlies many of the burnings. An additional amount of
more than $1.4 million in cash contributions is anticipated from
foundations and churches. As of Oct. 17, the NCC's Grants Committee had
allotted more than $2.3 million to 33 congregations.
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