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University of The Ozarks to Dedicate Five Buildings on Sunday

Date 08 Nov 1996 12:51:04

96415          University of The Ozarks to Dedicate 
                     Five Buildings on Sunday 
                         by Julian Shipp 
CLARKSVILLE, Ark.--Drawing on its history, the University of the Ozarks 
will celebrate a dramatic campus redesign here Sunday, Oct. 20, by 
dedicating two new buildings and three renovated ones. 
     In addition to the Robson Library, the university will dedicate the 
Boreham Business Building, Scay Student Center, Smith-Broyles Science 
Center and Mabee Administration Building. While strolling the new grounds, 
campus visitors will be entertained by the 106th Army Band of the Arkansas 
Army National Guard. The band will be set up beside the cross-shaped water 
fountain after the dedication service. 
      The 3 p.m. service in Raymond Munger Memorial Chapel is styled after 
the service that dedicated the chapel in 1933. Dr. Oscar Remick, president 
of Westminster College in New Wilmington, Pa., will be the featured speaker 
at the ceremony. Remick has served as president of two Presbyterian 
colleges -- Alma College in Michigan (1980-1987) and Westminster (since 
     The campus improvements are more than buildings. The Bridging for 
Centuries Campaign, which funded the $11.8 million of construction, also 
has installed a campus-wide computer network and wired all residence halls 
for Internet access. 
     The university welcomes all interested persons to the campus Sunday 
for the service and to take self-guided tours in the new and renovated 
buildings. For more information, contact Donna R. Forst, director of public 
relations, at (501) 979-1420. 

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