From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Notes about People
17 Jan 1997 14:30:13
97027 Notes about People
by Jerry L. Van Marter
The Rev. James D. Brown, former executive director of the General
Assembly Council, has accepted a call to be pastor of Market Square
Presbyterian Church in Harrisburg, Pa. Brown begins work in his new
position at the 650-member church on Feb. 15.
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Heidi Hadsell, dean of the faculty, vice president for academic
affairs and professor of Christian social ethics at McCormick Theological
Seminary, has been named director of the World Council of Churches'
Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, Switzerland. She is expected to take up
her new duties in late summer of 1997.
Hadsell will be the ninth director of the Ecumenical Institute,
founded in 1946, and the first woman to hold the position. She earned her
Ph.D. in ethical issues of third-world development from the University of
Southern California in 1979. Prior to going to McCormick Seminary, she
lived and taught in Brazil. She is completing a term of service on the
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy.
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Lou Lyon, a longtime leader in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), most
recently as moderator of the General Assembly Nominating Committee, died
Dec. 22 in an Overland Park, Kan., long-term care facility. Lyon had
suffered a series of debilitating strokes in recent months.
Private burial was in Clinton, Iowa, on Dec. 28. Milwaukee
Presbytery, where Lyon lived and served for many years until her recent
health problems, has tentatively scheduled a memorial service for April 19
in nearby Waukesha. Lou Lyon is survived by four sons -- Peter, Kim, Lynn
and Terry.
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