From the Worldwide Faith News archives
College News
11 Mar 1997 10:37:22
College News
by Julian Shipp
WAYNESBURG, Pa.--The Rev. John Rich Dorean has been appointed the new
interim chaplain and director of Christian life at Waynesburg College.
Dorean is pastor of Jefferson Baptist Church, where he has been for the
past 15 years. In addition to his pastoral duties, he works with Habitat
for Humanity and Education Assistance Limited: The Greene County
Opportunity Program. Dorean and his wife, Merrie, have four daughters.
MONTREAT, N.C.--Two publications from Montreat College's Office of Public
Information have won honors in regional awards competitions. "The
President's Report," designed by Mindy Clinard, director of public
information, won a "Best of Category" award in the 1996 Printing Industry
of the Carolinas' competition. "Outlook," a monthly newsletter for college
faculty and staff produced by Jerry Ross, public information associate, won
a "Special Merit Award" for newsletter publishing improvement in the 1997
Council for the Advancement and Support of Education District III
Advancement Awards competition.
BLOOMFIELD, N.J.--Dr. William Ross Forbes, senior pastor of the
Presbyterian Church in Westfield, N.J., has been elected to the board of
trustees of Bloomfield College. Forbes has served as senior pastor of the
2,000-member church since 1989. As a community leader, he is active in
local interfaith and interracial groups seeking to promote dialogue among
various faith and racial groups and to celebrate "the diversity within the
human family."
WAUKESHA, Wis.--Carroll College Trustee Jack F. Reichert and his wife,
Corrine, of Lake Forest, Ill., have made a $1 million commitment to the
college. A major portion of the funding was used for scholarships. A new
scholarship was set up for graduates of the Cudahy high school system in
the name of Mrs. Reichert, who is a graduate of Cudahy High School. In
addition, an endowed scholarship will also be established for minority
students from the Milwaukee area. Additional funds also were allocated to
increase the existing four endowed scholarships for students from West
Allis, Wis. Reichert is a native of that Milwaukee suburb. A portion of
the money was also used to fund the recently completed $2.6 million
Humphrey Memorial Chapel and Art Center.
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