From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Clarifications and Corrections
11 Mar 1997 10:37:21
Clarifications and Corrections
A story in the Feb. 7 issue of "NEWS BRIEFS" about AIDS ministries
(#97029) incorrectly identified a number of resources as produced by the
Presbyterian AIDS Network. Several of the resources listed are produced by
the Office of Health Ministries in the National Ministries Division in
Louisville. For more information, call the Rev. David Zuverink at (502)
# # #
A story in the Feb. 7 issue of "NEWS BRIEFS" about John Park Lee Award
winner John R. Thomas (#97048) incorrectly stated that he has worked as a
college chaplain.
Thomas also stated during his acceptance speech that "one-third of all
Medicare medical expenses are incurred by people during the last six months
of their lives," not "two-thirds of all medical expenses. ..."
# # #
A story in the Jan. 31 issue of "NEWS BRIEFS" about the Presbyterian
Health, Education and Welfare Association (PHEWA) biennial conference
(#97035) reported that a motion was made to refer the "1997 Declaration of
Reformed Faith" to the PHEWA board of directors, but failed to report that
the motion to refer was adopted.
The story also correctly reported that a resolution that was amended
to read "... encourage the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to promote
abstinence from alcoholic beverages as one response to the problem of
alcoholism" was approved, but failed to report that the resolution was then
referred to the Presbyterian Network on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse for
There are also several corrections to the list of officers reported.
The Rev. John Sharick and Jeanne Torrens are continuing members of the
PHEWA board of directors, not new members. Ann Sayre and Gail Buchwalter
King left the board and so vacancies exist from the synods of South
Atlantic and Trinity. Three PHEWA constituent networks have new
representatives on the board: Presbyterians Affirming Reproductive Options:
the Rev. Don Coleman; Presbyterian Child Abuse Network: the Rev. Cindy
Cushman; and Presbyterian Health Network: the Rev. David Cockcroft.
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