From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Women of the ELCA Budgets $3.9 Million
27 Mar 1997 13:45:54
March 31, 1997
CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The executive board for Women of the
Lutheran Church in America, the women's organization of the ELCA,
approved a $3.9 million budget for 1998 when it met here March 13-16.
The 1998 budget reflects program expenses of $1.7 million, a gift of
$1 million to the ELCA, $520,500 for administration, $304,200 for grants
and scholarships and $90,000 for the work of the executive board and
"This budget figure is the same figure that was used for the 1996
and 1997 budgets, and it is not showing any anticipation of increase in
offering or expenditures," said Terry L. Bowes, interim executive
director for Women of the ELCA. "That is disappointing not to be able to
be more hopeful," she said.
A financial gift of $813,809 from the Women of the ELCA was given
the ELCA in 1996. "The amount is less than the $1.1 million 1996 budget
goal," said Bowes. "The fact that we have been able to determine this
gift says a lot about the good stewardship of money shown this year by
the Women of the ELCA, particularly by the staff. It is very much a
sacrificial gift, and it is a model for other expressions of Women of the
ELCA," she said.
"The real strength for the Women of the ELCA comes from our
congregations, from women in the pew," said board president, Sharroll
Bernahl, Fort Morgan, Colo. "Women study the Bible, support each other
and empower each other," she said.
"It is crucial in this time of transition to ask tough questions
like, `How are we touching or failing to touch the lives of women in the
ELCA? What resources and program opportunities must we offer to
women to live out the purpose of Women of the ELCA,'" said Bowes.
are getting in the habit of listening with integrity and thinking in the
future tense," she said.
The board the board introduced a new concept for the Women of the
ELCA's Fourth Triennial Convention in 1999, in St. Louis.
"It is not a major shift or a complete overhaul in format, but how
we plan for the convention is going to involve a broader group of people
and more input from grassroots women," Bowes said.
"The theme for the convention, `Live God's Peace,' is taken from
Micah 6:8 and will be incorporated and central in our convention planning
efforts. We will screen everything through that lens of justice," she
said. Micah 6:8 says, "He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and
does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and
to walk humbly with your God?"
We must make certain that the convention is more than a stand-alone
event, said Bowes. The convention will focus on Women of the ELCA's
program priorities and resources for the 1999-2002 triennium. The board
set four emphases for the next triennium: anti-racism, spirituality,
stewardship and worship.
"Women's roles have changed over the years and Women of the
continues to explore how it can assist working women, women with
children, women who are active in the church, women of color and
with special needs," said Bernahl.
"Women are so varied in their backgrounds. We need to provide
different types of resources and programs that meet the needs of
There are so many forces that compete for a woman's time, and Women
the ELCA will have to be there with good resources," said board member
Faith Ashton, Chapel Hill, N.C.
In other business, passed a resolution to "affirm" the work of the
ELCA's Women and Children Living in Poverty project team as it
to implement the strategy, "A Plan to Listen and Act." The strategy was
passed in 1993 by the ELCA's Churchwide Assembly, the ELCA's chief
legislative body.
"We need to keep this strategy at the fore-front of the church,"
said Ashton. "It is an important strategy, and it is important for the
whole church to give attention to it and not just women."
For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG
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