From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Cloning, Science Issues Raised
10 Mar 1997 15:24:34
"UNITED METHODIST DAILY NEWS" by SUSAN PEEK on Aug. 11, 1991 at 13:58 Eastern,
Note 3477 by UMNS on March 10, 1997 at 16:20 Eastern (5479 characters).
Produced by United Methodist News Service, official news agency of
the United Methodist Church, with offices in Nashville, Tenn., New
York, and Washington.
CONTACT: Joretta Purdue 123(10-21-65-71B){3477}
Washington, D.C. (202) 546-8722 March 10, 1997
Board of Church and Society voices
concern about cloning, genetic science
WASHINGTON (UMNS) -- The United Methodist Board of Church and
Society approved a resolution against human cloning and voted to
reconvene the Genetic Science Task Force, during the semi-annual
directors meeting here March 6-9.
The task force, established by the 1988 General Conference,
held a series of hearings and studied issues in this field. Its
work provided the basis for the "New Developments in Genetic
Science" resolution adopted by the 1992 General Conference.
General Conference has not passed a resolution on cloning,
although it does have statements that oppose human germ line
interventions and procedures that create waste embryos.
Rationale offered by the board's environmental justice work
area in seeking the money to fund reconstituting the task force
included the recent cloning of a sheep and monkeys. These
developments, which occurred sooner than anticipated, make more
likely human cloning and human germ line engineering, the work
area warned.
Funding will be sought from the board and from the World
Service Contingency Fund.
The board authorized a churchwide petition and letter-
writing campaign encouraging governments to fulfill their treaty
and financial obligations to the United Nations. The action was
taken to further implement the 1996 General Conference resolution,
"In Support of the United Nations."
In addition, the board agreed to ask the U.S. Senate to
ratify the Chemical Weapons Convention, Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty, Protocols of the Treaty of Raratonga (South Pacific
Nuclear Free Zone) and Protocols of the Treaty of Pelindaba
(African Nuclear Weapon Free Zone).
United Methodists were called upon by the board to write U.S.
government officials urging sufficient food aid to North Korea to
prevent massive starvation.
Members of the board were also asked to write their U.S.
senators to encourage ratification of the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child, in keeping with the
Bishops' Initiative on Children and Poverty.
The board also agreed to express solidarity for the plight of
strawberry workers through an information campaign. The campaign
asks consumers to talk with supermarket managers about the
strawberry workers' need for a living wage, clean drinking water
and bathrooms at the fields, health insurance, and an end to
sexual harassment and other abuses. This is not a boycott.
Continuing the preliminary work of renovating the board
headquarters building on Capitol Hill, the trustees reported
progress in obtaining permits and interviewing environmentally
sensitive contractors. The fund-raising campaign has received
commitments of $314,250 since the board's October meeting,
$300,000 of that a gift from the daughter of the original builder.
Directors pledged $87,950 during this meeting.
The directors also endorsed legislation to limit handgun
purchases to no more than one a month as a means to end
trafficking in guns. "Our vision [as United Methodists] is no
guns," emphasized Bishop Melvin Talbert, San Francisco, in support
of the resolution to curb transporting them from one area to
another for street sale.
In a measure anticipating a proposed massive crime bill that
could do away with the juvenile justice system, the board
supported contacting members of Congress and the administration
reminding them of the need for reconciliation and redemption for
children, in addition to considering their different educational,
dietary and exercise needs and their vulnerability to abuse if
housed with adults.
In other actions, the board of directors decided to:
* encourage congregations to observe Mental Health Awareness
* adopted sets of guiding principles for welfare advocacy,
managed care and children's health care;
* decided to develop resources for a Health Care Sabbath;
* endorsed the AIDS Watch 1997 Lobby Days;
* awarded grants from Human Relations Day funds to YouthWorks
and Partners Mentorship.
Discussion in a subgroup led the board to decide further
study is needed on "right to die" issues, including physician-
assisted suicide, legal questions, and legislated public policy
relating to death and dying.
The board also heard a panel presentation on capital
punishment. (See separate story.)
The board agreed that Helen Thorsen from Northern Europe be
named to the executive committee until the regular nominating and
electing procedures could be followed at the fall meeting.
The Rev. Tom Grey, executive director of the National
Coalition Against Gambling, was recognized for his work in
organizing grass-roots efforts against gambling.
Manuel Espartero, assistant general secretary for resourcing
congregational life, was honored for his 33 years of service to
the board. Espartero will retire in August.
Bishop Charles W. Jordan, president, conducted the meeting,
which was held in a conference facility at Gallaudet University.
The Rev. Thom White Wolf Fassett is general secretary.
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