From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Ethnic Local Church Concerns grants
13 Mar 1997 15:14:37
"UNITED METHODIST DAILY NEWS" by SUSAN PEEK on Aug. 11, 1991 at 13:58 Eastern,
Note 3487 by UMNS on March 13, 1997 at 16:43 Eastern (4298 characters).
Produced by United Methodist News Service, official news agency of
the United Methodist Church, with offices in Nashville, Tenn., New
York, and Washington.
CONTACT: Joretta Purdue 133(10-30-71B){3487}
Washington, D.C. (202) 546-8722 March 13, 1997
Board awards Ethnic Local Church Concerns
grants totaling $83,639 to 10 organizations
WASHINGTON (UMNS) -- Ethnic Local Church Concerns grants
totaling $83,639 were awarded to 10 organizations by the United
Methodist Board of Church and Society at its recent meeting here.
An expanded set of guidelines and a more specific application
form also were designed for use in the 1997-2000 quadrennium.
Just Neighbors Ministry in the Virginia Annual (regional)
Conference has been awarded $14,000 for training people from
various backgrounds to represent immigrants in immigration court,
provide education to the immigrant communities as to legal rights
and the content of the new immigration and welfare laws, provide
counseling and advocacy regarding immigration and employment legal
problems, and seek to mobilize United Methodists.
A $9,540 grant will support recruitment, training and
maintaining a pool of volunteers to assist minorities in locating
suitable affordable housing through the United Methodist Homeless
Housing Mission in Little Rock, Ark.
The United Methodist Chinese Caucus was awarded $3,000 toward
an in-depth study and consultation on the issues facing Chinese
American churches in the 21st century. The event will focus on
empowerment for outreach leadership and ministries.
Nebraska Annual Conference Hispanic Ministries Committee has
been given $7,500 for a Hispanic youth leadership institute to
identify and recruit Hispanic youth for leadership and expose
Hispanic high school students to the advantages of higher
An $8,000 grant was given to the Erie United Methodist
Alliance in the Western Pennsylvania Conference for multi-cultural
mission leadership development training of people to advocate for
the rights and privileges of minorities seeking services and to
address social concerns in existing outreach missions that include
a homeless shelter, thrift store and a project for homeless
The South Central Jurisdiction BMCR (Black Methodists for
Church Renewal) was granted $7,500 to enable African-American
youth to attend Freedom Forum 1997, a weeklong program developing
skills for better relationship building and spiritual enrichment.
First United Methodist Church of Konowa, Okla., was given
$13,274 to continue and expand programs for citizens of the area,
which is 24 percent Native American. The satellite outreach
education counselor program for which the money was sought,
attacks alcohol and substance abuse and its related systemic
problems facing children, youth and families.
A community-based advocacy project for health and wholeness
of the Calvary-Casa del Pueblo United Methodist Church in
Washington was granted $8,800. The goal is to reveal the work of
the church on justice issues and demonstrate that basic justice
issues related to race, culture, poverty and gender cannot be
separated from health care access problems.
Brothers United for Change and the Clover Parish of the
United Methodist Church of the South Carolina Annual Conference
were awarded $4,000 toward a black male conference seeking to
provide practical strategies for turning problems and challenges
into opportunities and solutions. It will include families.
The Oasis Youth Program of Miami Urban Ministries of the
United Methodist Church was granted $8,025 to provide a program
for leadership training on social justice issues. The training
will be provided through the United Methodist Seminars on National
and International Affairs, a part of the Board of Church and
Society in Washington.
Deadline for the next round of semi-annual Ethnic Local
Church Concerns awards from the Board of Church and Society is
July 10.
# # #
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you want additional information on
recipients within the area you serve and need help locating a
contact person, you may call Manuel Espartero at (202) 488-5623.
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