From the Worldwide Faith News archives
08 Mar 1997 10:30:37
March 1, 1997
Canon Jim Rosenthal, Director of Communications
Anglican Communion Office
London, England
(ACNS - Press Release issued at the meeting ) From 10-15 February, 80
delegates, representing the Anglican Churches of the South, gathered in
the beautiful city of Kuala Lumpur, to meet, know and encourage one
another; to follow up on the first Encounter in the South and to reflect
on the place of Scripture in the life and mission of the Church in the
21st century.
Because the Lambeth 1998 Conference was in view, most of the delegates
were bishops or archbishops. The Archbishop of the Province of South
East Asia and the Bishop of West Malaysia welcomed the delegates from
over 30 nations of the world.
The delegates listened to a major address from the Encounter Chairman,
the Most Revd Joseph A Adetiloye, Archbishop of Nigeria, on the
Encounter theme, The Place of Scripture in the Life and Mission of the
church and to one another as they witnessed how Scripture impinged on
the life and mission of the Church and of the people in their different
cultures. As the people prayed together, talked together and listened
to God and to one another, several common issues emerged and a number
of decisions were reached, including the forming of a relief agency,
Anglicare, to enable a rapid response to emergency situations around the
There was the consciousness among the delegates of the presence of the
Spirit of God and an awareness that people around the world were praying
for them. They recognised the importance of their chosen theme for the
Church at a time of difficulty and confusion in some provinces, and of
growth, martyrdom, dynamic missionary commitment and quiet, but
powerful, witness in others.
This suggests that the Churches of the South are beginning to take
seriously, the challenges that came to them during their first Encounter
that, as a result of the current demographic shift in the world Church,
the future of Christianity and the hope for the fulfillment of the Great
Commission now lies with them. There was a significant move towards
self-reliance as most of the delegates sponsored themselves to this
The highlight of the Encounter was the peoples' reaffirmation of their
Apostolic and Reformed heritage, and as a result, recommitment to
Scripture (interpreted under the guidance of the Holy Spirit) as the
final authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
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