From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Amendments Giving Commissioned Lay Pastors Additional Functions
11 Mar 1997 10:37:20
Amendments Giving Commissioned Lay Pastors
Additional Functions of Ministry Are Passing Easily
by Julian Shipp
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--Proposed amendments giving commissioned lay pastors the
authority to carry out additional functions of ministry are passing easily
in voting by presbyteries -- including the amendment (I.6) that would allow
them to perform weddings, which was the only one even marginally close
With 46 presbyteries having filed their formal actions with the Office
of the General Assembly (OGA) as of Feb. 12, the official tally on
Amendment I.6 regarding performing a service of Christian marriage is 36
presbyteries voting in favor and 10 voting against.
Amendments allowing commissioned lay pastors to administer the
sacraments of the Lord's Supper and baptism, to moderate sessions, and to
have voice and vote in meetings of presbytery continue to pass by wide
A majority of the church's 171 presbyteries -- 86 -- must vote
affirmatively on the amendments in order for them to become part of the
"Book of Order."
To ensure complete accuracy, the Presbyterian News Service will only
report those presbytery votes that have formally been filed with the OGA.
The official tally on Amendment I.6:
Affirmative (36): Baltimore, Boise, Central Florida, Cherokee,
Chicago, Des Moines, Eastern Oregon, Eastern Virginia, Eastminster, Inland
Northwest, Los Ranchos, Louisville, Midwest Hanmi, Milwaukee, Minnesota
Valleys, Muskingum Valley, New York City, Northern Kansas, Northwest, Ohio
Valley, Palo Duro, Peaks, Redwoods, San Joaquin, Santa Barbara, Santa Fe,
Shenango, Shenandoah, Sierra Blanca, Twin Cities Area, Utica, Western
Kentucky, Western North Carolina, Whitewater Valley, Wyoming and Yukon.
Negative (10): Charleston-Atlantic, Flint River, Geneva, Heartland,
Holston, Memphis, Mississippi, Salem, San Francisco and Southwest.
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