From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Stroke Forces Cancellation of Speaker
11 Mar 1997 10:37:28
Stroke Forces Cancellation of Speaker
at 1997 Presbyterian Peacemaking Conference
by Julian Shipp
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--Bishop Leontine Kelly of the United Methodist Church, one
of the scheduled keynote speakers for the 1997 Presbyterian Peacemaking
Conferences, on the theme of racism, has canceled her engagement due to a
stroke she suffered last fall. The conferences will be held July 12-21 at
Estes Park, Colo., and Aug. 10-14 at Montreat, N.C.
Kelly, the first African-American woman to be elected bishop of any
major denomination, canceled all of her 1997 engagements in order to
recuperate from her illness. Kelly's stroke occurred Sept. 27, 1996, while
she was attending her brother's funeral in Washington, D.C.
Dr. John Perkins has accepted the invitation to speak in Kelly's stead
at the Estes Park conference. An ordained Baptist minister, internationally
known speaker and teacher on issues of racial reconciliation and community
development, Perkins has been recognized for his work with five honorary
doctorates and has written nine books, including: "A Quiet Revolution,"
"Let Justice Roll Down," "With Justice for All," "Beyond Charity," "He's My
Brother" and "Resurrecting Hope."
Other speakers at this year's conference will include Mac Charles
Jones, director of the Burned Churches Project of the National Council of
Churches (Montreat conference); the Rev. Lonna Chang-ren Lee, associate
pastor of Old First Presbyterian Church in San Francisco (both
conferences); and Dr. Joseph Barndt, executive director of Crossroads
Ministry, which provides education and training to dismantle racism and
build antiracist, multicultural communities (both conferences).
"Facing Racism: In Search of the Beloved Community" is the theme for
this year's conferences as issues of race continue to divide American
society and the need to build inclusive communities calls the church to
action. The purpose of the conferences is to help participants understand
and dismantle racism and to provide tools for the sharing of their
experience back home.
The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program is encouraging presbyteries to
send racially diverse groups to these conferences and is offering a limited
number of registration scholarships (one per presbytery) to the first
presbyteries registering a diverse group of participants. For more
information, contact Ervin Bullock, associate for conference planning of
the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, at (352) 694-7995.
Registration brochures (#70-270-96-004), posters (#70-270-96-006) and
promotion packets (#70-270-96-008) are available from Presbyterian
Distribution Services at 1-800-524-2612. The registration deadline is June
10, 1997, with discount fees for those registered before May 31, 1997.
For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
phone 502-569-5504 fax 502-569-8073
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