From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Clinton Looks to Churches to Support
11 Mar 1997 10:37:30
Clinton Looks to Churches to Support
Welfare Reform Program
by Tracy Early
Ecumenical News International
NEW YORK--President Bill Clinton is looking to the country's churches to
support his program of moving people off welfare and into jobs.
Clinton chose the significant setting of Riverside Church, New York,
to make his appeal Feb. 18 to the churches. Riverside, a large
interdenominational congregation, has long been a leader in liberal causes
in the United States.
Clinton, who has promoted himself as a new-style, more centrist
Democrat, was widely criticized last year by his liberal supporters in the
churches and elsewhere for signing a bill passed by the
Republican-controlled Congress and designed to end many traditional
guarantees of government assistance.
He has acknowledged that more jobs must be found for those forced off
welfare and has called on churches, other nonprofit organizations and
businesses to help provide the jobs.
At Riverside, Clinton suggested that if even half the larger churches
would employ one person on welfare, that would do a lot to make his reform
program work.
Clinton apparently decided to spotlight Riverside when he learned from
its pastor, the James A. Forbes Jr., that it was itself hiring a number of
former welfare recipients and launching a new "partnership of hope" program
to help others obtain jobs. The church was ready to enter into
partnership with Clinton to achieve "emancipation from poverty," Forbes
Clinton was joined at Riverside by a number of panelists chosen to
speak about the welfare situation from different perspectives.
Paul H. Sherry, president of the United Church of Christ and one
of the panelists, told Clinton the churches were "eager to enter into
partnership." But he also called for greater efforts to tell the nation
how serious the problems of poverty were and to secure a national
commitment to "the well-being of families and children."
Clinton defended his action in signing last year's welfare bill
after one man charged it would destroy a "safety net" needed by many people
but acknowledged, however, a need for a change to restore benefits the
bill denied to legal immigrants. Clinton also said he opposed rules that
would make people on welfare attending college withdraw to take jobs.
By coincidence, the executive board of the National Council of
Churches (NCC) was meeting at the nearby Interchurch Center at the time
Clinton was at Riverside Church and accepted an invitation to send a
delegation to join some 200 people invited to the presidential appearance.
Craig B. Anderson, an Episcopal bishop, the president-elect of the NCC,
told ENI that the event had been "helpful" and that he had found the
president "open."
But he warned: "The church can do a limited amount, but it cannot
carry the weight of what's being asked for."
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