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Council Proposes Emphasis on "Great Ends of The Church"
11 Mar 1997 10:37:33
Council Proposes Emphasis on "Great Ends of The Church"
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--The General Assembly Council (GAC) has added its weight to
a proposal that the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) undertake a six-year
emphasis, from 1998 through 2003, on the six "Great Ends of the Church," as
found in the first chapter of the "Book of Order."
Noting that the recommendation to the upcoming General Assembly in
Syracuse is under consideration by the six major entities of the General
Assembly -- the GAC, Committee on the Office of the General Assembly, Board
of Pensions, Presbyterian Foundation, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation
and Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program -- General Assembly stated
clerk the Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick told the Council, "We need a fresh way
to express our unity as a church." He added that if the recommendation is
endorsed by all six entities, "it will be the first time I can recall that
all the major Assembly agencies agreed on one proposal at the same time."
General Assembly moderator the Rev. John Buchanan called the proposed
emphasis "an opportunity to reclaim Presbyterian common ground."
The "Great Ends of the Church," found in G-1.0200:
* "the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind"
* "the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children
of God"
* "the maintenance of divine worship"
* "the preservation of the truth"
* "the promotion of social righteousness"
* "the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world."
The proposal instructs the Office of the General Assembly to highlight
the Great Ends as "the overarching theme of the next six General
Assemblies," with one of the ends highlighted each year in the Assembly's
worship, preaching and educational and special events. It also asks church
agencies to relate their activities to the great ends and to offer special
resources "where possible" in relation to the emphasis. And it encourages
all Presbyterian congregations and governing bodies to join in the
The Council brushed aside a request from its National Ministries
Division (NMD) Committee to delay the start of the emphasis until 1999 "so
that it would not undo preparatory work already done on "The Year with
Education," which was approved for 1998 by the 1994 General Assembly.
"We're not against the Great Ends of the Church," explained NMD
Committee chair Sandra Hawley, "but The Year with Education' has already
been approved and planned and will be diluted by this new emphasis."
GAC interim executive director the Rev. Frank Diaz countered that "the
Great Ends of the Church are a unifying theme for all that we do, including
education" and should not be seen as a competing emphasis. Kirkpatrick
characterized them as "an umbrella," and Patricia Niles commented that the
first Great End -- the proclamation of the gospel -- and a specific
emphasis on education "are wonderfully complementary."
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