From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Closing of Bicentennial Fund Delayed
11 Mar 1997 10:37:34
Closing of Bicentennial Fund Delayed
a Year for Final Collections
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--The Bicentennial Fund campaign, destined to fall far short
of its $150 million goal, will officially stay in business an extra year --
through 1998 -- as campaign officials try to collect the last of the
pledges made to the ambitious effort.
The General Assembly Council (GAC) voted to keep the Fund active for
an extra year -- it was scheduled to wind down at the end of 1997 -- after
reports at its Feb. 4-9 meeting here that total receipts as of Dec. 31,
1997, were $71,341,510.
Campaign managers have revised the income projection down to $80
million. However, in its report to the GAC, the Bicentennial Fund
Accountability Committee expressed "concern" that the $80 million
projection "may not be realized for the overall campaign." James Tse,
chair of the committee said the anticipated additional $9 million "is at
The group cited several reasons for the failure of the Bicentennial
Fund campaign to reach its goal:
* a mid-campaign increase in the original goal of the campaign from
$125 million to $150 million to include General Assembly-mandated
priorities of increased evangelism efforts and the raising of the
number of missionaries sent overseas
* the unwillingness of 21 presbyteries to participate in the
* competing campaigns in "an extraordinary number" of churches and
* a mid-campaign hike in the announced rate of administrative
expenses for the campaign from 12 percent to 13.5 percent
* a prolonged national recession
* "a changing spirit among the church's members about the nature of
the Presbyterian Church's overall priorities and governing
The Bicentennial Fund campaign was approved by the 1986 General
Assembly and plans for the fund-raising effort were approved the following
year. The actual fund-raising campaigns were carried out between 1988 and
But by the time campaign follow-up began in June of 1993, the campaign
had already used up the $20.4 million allotted for administrative expenses.
Thus, the follow-up efforts were crippled almost before they could begin.
Currently, the Bicentennial Fund staff consists of one paid field person
who is following up with presbyteries that have not completed their
campaigns. In 1995, the 207th General Assembly wrote off a $3.3 million
start-up loan from the Presbyterian Mission Program Fund.
The Accountability Committee is recommending to the upcoming General
Assembly in Syracuse, N.Y., that the Assembly moderator and the chair and
executive director of the GAC "encourage the church at large to continue to
fulfill its obligations to the Bicentennial Fund" by
sharing a summary of the programmatic successes of The
Bicentennial Fund
encouraging all governing bodies to submit their receipts and
reports "in a regular and
timely manner"
"strongly" encouraging presbyteries not to use Bicentennial funds
for any other purposes
instructing Corporate and Administrative Services to continue
providing a monthly
report on campaign activities.
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