From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Stated Clerk's Letter to the Church
11 Mar 1997 10:37:40
Stated Clerk's Letter to the Church
on the "Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action"
by the Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick
[Editor's note: After last summer's General Assembly directed its stated
clerk, the Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick, to communicate its resolution on the
"Beijing Declaration" and "Platform for Action" to all Presbyterian
congregations, the Presbyterian News Service agreed to provide space for
Kirkpatrick's letter and that resolution in "NEWS BRIEFS." -- Jerry L. Van
March 4, 1997
To: Pastors of Churches and/or Clerks of Sessions
The 208th General Assembly (1996) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),
meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on June 29-July 6, 1996, received
communications from the Advocacy Committee for Women's Concerns (ACWC) to
reaffirm the past work of United Nations Conferences regarding women and to
affirm the "Beijing Declaration" and "Platform for Action." The "Platform
for Action" is a consensus document adopted by the 189 nations that
participated in the Fourth World Conference on Women (FWCW) in Beijing,
China, in September 1995. The United States, as a participating nation,
made commitments both in principle and in the provision of resources for
implementation of the "Platform for Action" at this conference.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has a long tradition of supporting and
participating in United Nations global efforts for the advancement of the
status of women and the girl child since 1976. Following the Third United
Nations Conference on Women in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1985, the 198th General
Assembly (1986) adopted a resolution for the church's meaningful
participation in the implementation of the "Forward-Looking Strategies for
the Advancement of Women." The 208th General Assembly (1996) reaffirmed
the past work of the United Nations for gender equality and commended for
serious study and action the "Beijing Declaration" and "Platform for
Action." The resolution approved at the 1996 General Assembly reaffirms
the church's ongoing commitment to gender equality according to the
liberating and transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. It is therefore most
consistent that the 208th General Assembly (1996) voted to adopt the
Advocacy Committee for Women's Concerns' recommendations and directed that
I communicate this resolution to you and urge your support for
implementation of the "Platform for Action."
The resolution encourages congregations to become active participants in
the process of implementation of the "Platform for Action" by:
a. organizing a group to study Ephesians 4 (diversity of gifts) and
the "Beijing Declaration" and "Platform for Action" and make their own list
of priority activities that address particular areas of concern in their
b. organizing a youth awareness group, encouraging youth,
especially girls and young women, to learn about their rights and discuss
their vision of and for women;
c. addressing issues of personnel policies, including pay equity,
child care, family/medical leave, termination of employment for their women
employees, particularly those who are nonexempt and part-time;
d. assessing the city government and school system on gender
sensitivity, and working to develop an action strategy to address the
results of the assessment;
e. calling and writing the White House, offering insight as to the
priorities of their members;
f. urging Senators of the United States of America to vote for the
ratification of the U.N. Convention Against All Forms of Discrimination
Against Women and the Rights of the Child;
g. reaching out to immigrant-refugee women who often suffer from
cultural and social isolation and economic exploitation, and developing
programs for their empowerment, including literacy training;
h. observing the "Celebrating the Gifts of Women Sunday" on the
Sunday that is closest to March 8, International Women's Day, and
continuing the celebration throughout Women's History Month through worship
and other programs;
i. encouraging men to embrace the global vision contained in the
"Platform for Action" and to become partners in bringing about its global
vision of equality for all;
j. intentionally including women in all decision-making processes,
and taking positive measures to promote leadership skills among women and
girl children; and
k. studying theological dimensions, cultural manifestations and
political dynamics of violence against women in our communities and society
using programs and resources on violence against women and by actively
engaging in the church's program on violence against women through
participation in the GAC Initiative on Societal Violence, especially during
the month of October, which is the Domestic Violence month.
Congregations are encouraged to assess their situations and to use these
ideas appropriately to fit their own contexts.
The full "Platform for Action" can be obtained from the World Wide Web
meeting, WWW.UNDP.ORG/FCWC/DAW1.HTM of the NGO Resource Center, 801 U.N.
Plaza, New York, NY 10017, (212) 963-7234. Additional resources, including
a summary of the "Platform for Action," can be obtained from the
Presbyterian U.N. Office, (212) 697-4568, and the Office of Women's
Advocacy, (502) 569-5403. The full report of the Advocacy Committee for
Women's Concern on the FWCW is available from the Office of Women's
Cordially yours,
Clifton Kirkpatrick
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly
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