From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Lutherans Assist with Africa Drought Relief
13 Mar 1997 09:17:49
March 12, 1997
Action by Church Together (ACT) is responding to the slow
onslaught of drought in Tanzania and Kenya. Harvests from 1992
to 1995 were poor due to prolonged drought. In 1996 long rain
improved harvests, but the short rains which were normally due
later that year failed completely. ACT reports the presence of
large numbers of refugees in the Kagera and Kigoma regions is
also adversely affecting the food supply situation in these
regions where food prices have risen substantially. The
government of Kenya has declared a disaster that may affect 2
million people. ACT has sent $50,000 through Tanganyika
Christian Refugee Service which will provide a supply of short-
term drought resistant seeds for planting this month. ACT is a
worldwide network of churches, including the Lutheran World
Federation, meeting human need through coordinated emergency
response. A food assessment mission found that some 280,000
people are likely or already suffering from food shortage in the
rural Arusha and Kilimanjaro areas of Northern Tanzania, areas
inhabited by small-scale farmers. The complete failure of short
rains has escalated the shortages. Long rains are also late in
many places, indicating that a food shortage disaster beyond
April 1997 is imminent. ACT will plan for distribution of food
aid to the most vulnerable groups. The Lutheran World Federation
is a worldwide communion of 122 member churches, including the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG
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