From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Joint message from General Secretaries
19 Mar 1997 02:47:40
World Council of Churches
Press Release
For Immediate Use
19 March 1997
The general secretaries of four ecumenical organisations - Mr
Jean Fischer of the Conference of European Churches (CEC),
Rev. Dr Ishmael Noko of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF),
Rev. Dr Milan Opocensky of the World Alliance of Reformed
Churches (WARC) and Rev. Dr Konrad Raiser of the World
Council of Churches (WCC) - have issued the following joint
*The UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on
March 21st, particularly in this European Union Year Against Racism, is a
timely reminder of the racism which exists in Europe and our churches.
As executive officers of ecumenical bodies whose membership includes
European churches, we add our voices to those who struggle against
the scourge of racism and its dangerous and inhuman manifestations.
The continuing existence of the blight of racism is an affront to the
ministry of Jesus Christ, which was accomplished to reconcile all people
to God and to each other.
We view, with deep misgiving, the growing acceptance by individuals
and political parties, of organisations which promote racist views.
Deepening economic crises and rising unemployment in many countries
have an especially detrimental effect on the already excluded sections of
national societies, increasing the racial or cultural discrimination against
them. This is particularly true for many women who bear the double
burden of both racial and gender discrimination.
Migrants, immigrants and refugees become scapegoats for
unemployment, crime and a host of other problems throughout Europe.
Through the adoption, by governments and others, of the terminology of
"illegal migrants", the most basic rights, and even the existence of these
people, are being denied. Those without papers, even if they have lived
in Europe for a number of years, have become victims of acts of racism.
Often that violence is carried out against them with impunity.
To affirm the commitment of the churches to uphold the dignity and rights
of all refugees and migrants, 1997 is being marked in Europe, and
worldwide, as the Ecumenical Year of the Churches' Solidarity with
Uprooted People.
But it is not only racism affecting migrants which worries us. Many
individuals born in Europe of mixed parentage are also discriminated
against because of their colour; minority groups such as the Roma/Sinti
also suffer.
We note with great concern that the specter of antisemitism is again, in
many and varied ways, haunting Europe. This reveals a disturbing
reluctance to deal with the past in openness and with repentance. It is
essential for us, as Christians, to actively oppose anti-Jewish acts and
rhetoric, no matter the origin.
It is heartening that some political and humanitarian activists are calling
for justice and compassion and we wish to identify with them. There are
also a large number of local congregations and churches who have
been outspoken on these issues and have shown tremedenous personal
courage as they stand in solidarity with the victims of racism and
But despite the activities of the international community during two United
Nations decades for action to combat racism and racial discrimination,
racism seems as prevalent, and as diverse, as ever. It is therefore
appropriate to renew our commitment and redouble our efforts against
racism. For this reason we welcome and support the Europe-wide Week
of Action Against Racism.
We urge our member churches and their congregations to consider
whether, even unwittingly, our churches contribute to discriminatory
local or national policies.*
Contacts: John Newbury WCC Press & Information Officer
(+41.22) 791.61.52 (Office); 369.37.26 (Home)
Bob Scott WCC Programme to Combat Racism
Executive Secretary
(+41.22) 791.62.89 (Office); 755.10.34 (Home)
The World Council of Churches is a fellowship of churches, now 330, in
more than 100 countries in all continents from virtually all Christian
traditions. The Roman Catholic Church is not a member church but
works cooperatively with the WCC. The highest governing body is the
Assembly, which meets approximately every seven years. The WCC
was formally inaugurated in 1948 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Its staff is
headed by general secretary Konrad Raiser from the Evangelical Church
in Germany.
World Council of Churches
Press and Information Office
Tel: (41.22) 791.61.52/51
Fax: (41.22) 798 13 46
P.O. Box 2100
CH-1211 Geneva 2
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