From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Disciples pastor 'accidentally' appears on
21 Mar 1997 11:11:56
live television
Date: March 21, 1997
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Clifford L. Willis
on the web: http//
INDIANAPOLIS (DNS) -- A Latino Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ) pastor on his way to
tape a radio program in Los Angeles recently found
himself on live television instead.
The Rev. Ernesto Ramirez, his spouse Paola,
and associate minister Ovando Figueroa were headed
to a local radio station when the Ramirez's car
was broadsided. Driving the other vehicle was a
suspect fleeing from a robbery which had just
Immediately after the collision, the bleeding
robbery suspect brandished a pistol at Ernesto
Ramirez and his passengers. An oncoming vehicle
then distracted the angry suspect for a moment,
and the Ramirezes and Figueroa fled the scene.
The Disciples members escaped injury,
however, the right rear of their vehicle was
damaged in the crash.
Camera crews from local television stations
caught the robbery aftermath -- including the
robber's attempted escape -- live. Joining the
greater Los Angeles viewers in watching the
incident were the Ramierez's four children, who
were much surprised to see their parents on
Ernesto Ramierez is pastor of the Hispanic
congregation at Church of the Valley, Van Nuys,
DISCNEWS - inbox for Disciples News Service, Office of Communication,
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), PO Box 1986 Indianapolis, IN 46206,
tele. (317) 635-3100, ( Wilma Shuffitt, News and
Information Assistant; ( Cliff Willis, Director of
News and Information; ( Executive Director
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