From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Reviews & Resources

Date 21 May 1997 09:43:21

May 9, 1997
Episcopal News Service
Jim Solheim, Director

Reviews & Resources                        

Scheuddig to deliver keynote address at Solo Flight conference
     (ENS) Louis "Skip" Scheuddig, president and executive director of
the Episcopal Radio and TV Foundation, will deliver the keynote address
at this year's Solo Flight conference at Kanuga conference center in
North Carolina, August 29-September 1. "Brothers and Sisters of
Abraham and Sarah--Singling on the New Frontier" will be the
conference theme. According to conference organizers, "Roughly half of
the adult population of the United States over the age of 25 are now
single in a culture which perceives its norm as married and familied.
Therefore, single adults have found themselves living on new and
uncharted frontiers long before the approach of the new millenium. The
story of Abraham and Sarah's journey in the wilderness will provide the
Biblical context for plenary addresses at the Labor Day weekend
conference." For brochures or other information, contact Solo Flight,
Box 610, Lexington, Kentucky, 40586.

Photographs available in this issue of ENS:

1. Patti Browning thanks Executive Council for prayers and support (97-
2. Presiding Bishop Edmond Browning baptizes 12th grandchild (97-
3. Executive Council welcomes Lutheran bishop (97-1751)*
4. Last Executive Council of triennium wrestles with transition and
change (97-1751)*
5. Brownings and Executive Council wish each other `Aloha' (97-1751)*
6. Minnesota crucifix presents Indian chief (97-1751)

* This photo is available in color.

Tentative mailing dates for future ENS releases are May 29 and June 12.

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