From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Notes about People
18 Jun 1997 19:49:13
Notes about People
by Jerry L. Van Marter
The Rev. Arabella Meadows-Rogers has taken office as executive
presbyter for the Presbytery of the Northern Plains, effective June 1.
She has been very visible in a leadership role in the presbytery's
flood relief efforts since her election April 17. Meadows-Rogers, who was
previously pastor of Grandin (N.D.) Presbyterian Church, will be working
out of her home in Moorhead, Minn., until July 1, when the presbytery
office is anticipated to be ready for occupancy.
# # #
The Curriculum Publishing office of the Congregational Ministries
Division in Louisville has announced two new appointments as a result of a
reorganization of its editorial department.
Beth Basham, former associate for older youth and family curriculum
development, has been named senior editor for acquisitions. Faye Burdick,
former associate for younger youth curriculum development, has been named
senior editor for curriculum. Basham will carry primary responsibility for
Curriculum Publishing's Bridge Resources. Burdick will be primarily
responsible for the new Covenant People curriculum.
# # #
Memorial services for the Rev. Ruth Duba, former associate director
for the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy, were held June 8 at
Northminster Presbyterian Church in El Cerrito, Calif. Duba was found dead
in her Richmond, Calif., apartment on June 1.
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