From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Good News for Minnesota Lutheran Teens
13 Jun 1997 13:19:15
June 12, 1997
As 35,300 young people and adults from across the country prepare to attend "River of Hope," a
triennial Youth Gathering of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, youth affected by the
devastating floods of the Red River Valley "do not have the resources or energy to do so," said
David Hunstad, director for youth and family ministries, ELCA's Northwest Minnesota Synod.
"Because of the flood and people's situations, there was some real hesitation at pursuing any
kind of fund raising to finance our trip, especially with our church and personal homes in
despair," said the Rev. Gregory E. Isaacson, Grace Lutheran Church, Ada, Minn. "We talked
about canceling our trip and doing a shorter trip closer to home, but through the goodness and
grace of others we have received some generous offers," said Isaacson. Our Savior's Lutheran
Church, Barnesville, Minn., offered 17 seats on a coach bus as a contribution to the effort. "We
have 16 youth and myself signed-up to go. They have exactly 17 seats available! I was
concerned about an adequate number of chaperones on our part, but Our Savior's have two
additional chaperones who will cover our participants," said Isaacson. "We are truly humbled to
be on the receiving end of such gracious generosity," he said. The 16 youth from Grace
Lutheran Church are now planning to attend the gathering. "River of Hope," set for July 23-27
in New Orleans, will be the largest five-day gathering of young people in the United States.
For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG
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