From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Edelman Speaks

Date 18 Jun 1997 19:49:13

June 15, 1997 
GA97004                     EDELMAN SPEAKS 
SYRACUSE--Marian Wright Edelman expressed appreciation for Presbyterian 
support of the rights of children and then Presbyterians attending the 
Pre-Assembly conference showed support of her efforts by interrupting her 
speech with applause at several points. 
    The purpose of the conference 
on Friday, June 13, was to seek common ground as citizens, neighbors and 
Christians and it was obvious that defending and protecting children is a 
cause that is dear to the hearts of the  800 people who registered for the 
    Edelman is eminently qualified, as founder and director of the 
Washington, D.C. based Children's Defense Fund, to be a strong voice for 
children and families.  Citing numerous statistics about the dangers 
children face in areas of health care and family support systems and 
community life, Edelman went on to point out signs of hope in political, 
civic and individual instances.  Telling stories of bravery and 
resourcefulness and forgiveness, she inspired the crowd to work toward the 
goal of safe and healthy lives for all children.  "God doesn't just love 
the children of the rich and powerful," she said.  "Jesus included all the 
children in his invitation, and we must include all the children, too." 
Jane Hines 

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