From the Worldwide Faith News archives

GALA Fest is a summer festival

Date 18 Jun 1997 19:52:26

June 15, 1997 
GA97009                 GALA FEST IS A SUMMER FESTIVAL 
SYRACUSE--As part of opening day activities for the 209th General Assembly 
(G.A.) Presbyterian Church (U.S.A), there will be a GALA Fest street 
festival on Sunday, June 15, noon to 4 p.m.  A variety of entertainment and 
fun events will take place inside and outside the Onondaga County War 
Memorial, surrounding blocks and nearby buildings.  The festivities are 
open to G.A. participants and the public.  Lunch will be available from 
street vendors. 
    Among the activities are: 
    Storytellers: Native American legends and sacred stories. 
    Street performers: All Scotland band to perform evangelistic and 
    bagpipe music. 
    Puppet show and dance group. 
    Handbell concerts: Bell ringers at Park Central Presbyterian Church, 
    including the "Inspired Timers," a group of physically and mentally 
    challenged individuals. 
    Organ concert: Cathedral of Immaculate Conception. 
    Tree Planting: Youth Advisory Delegates for the G.A. will carry out the 
    tradition of planting a tree as a symbolic way to replace the paper 
    used for G.A. 
    Art exhibit: A professional exhibit of artists' designs depicting 
images of personal, spiritual and religious experiences, Exhibit Hall, War 
    Hymn Sing: At Columbus Circle, various church choirs will sing 
"favorite hymns" with the public invited to join in. 
    Moderator's reception: For the newly elected moderator and newly 
commissioned mission workers, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., Everson Museum of Art. 
Jan Caster 

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