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Division Hears Encouraging News from Curriculum Publishing

Date 18 Jun 1997 19:52:27

               Division Hears Encouraging News from 
                Curriculum Publishing Program Area 
                        by Julian Shipp 
SYRACUSE--The Congregational Ministries Division (CMD) Committee heard 
encouraging news June 11 regarding its Curriculum Publishing Program Area 
   According to Brenda Hooks, CPPA manager of marketing and customer 
relations, the organization is currently "on target to surpass 1997 sales 
projections  if things continue to go as predicted." Hooks said projected 
sales for 1997 are $4.7 million and that to date, CPPA has had nearly $1.5 
million in total sales, which is a six percent increase over the same 
period of time last year. 
   Hooks said "Celebrate" sales have been particularly brisk, with nearly 
$300,000 in sales from January to May of 1997. In addition to a marketing 
strategy currently underway designed to target congregations currently not 
using  "Celebrate" and "Bible Discovery" materials, she said more good news 
comes from the fact that CPPA's losses from inventory obsolescence are 
$125,000 for 1997, as opposed to an estimated $221,000. 
   "I'm very pleased that we are holding the line at this point," Hooks 
   "We do have a very positive financial situation," said the Rev. Joanne 
R. Hull, a CMD Committee member and Curriculum Publishing/ Resource Center 
and Educational Advocates Support Program Committee chair of Charlotte, 
N.C. "Something is going right in Curriculum Publishing, and that is very 
   Donna Blackstock, CPPA associate director and publisher, said although 
to date CPPA has paid $179,590 in royalties to the Presbyterian Publishing 
Corporation (PPC), it will not have to do so after July 22, resulting in 
additional savings for the organization in the future. 

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