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Development of New Covenant People Curriculum

Date 18 Jun 1997 19:52:29

       Congregations Invited to Participate in Development 
                of New Covenant People Curriculum 
                         by Julian Shipp 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--The Curriculum Publishing office of the Presbyterian 
Church is offering congregations the chance to participate in the design of 
Covenant People, a new Presbyterian curriculum scheduled for publication in 
the year 2000, by undertaking a six-session self-study entitled "Becoming a 
Covenant People." 
     According to Curriculum Publishing officials, "Becoming a Covenant 
People" helps congregations explore their visions for the church.  As a 
congregation works through the self-study, it develops a vision statement 
for the church and then shares that vision with other participating 
congregations.  The new curriculum will in turn be geared toward that 
shared vision of the church. 
     "Congregations are [some] of our most important development partners," 
said the Rev. Frank Hainer, associate for adult curriculum development and 
chair of the Covenant People design team.  "Those congregations that return 
their postcards from the  Becoming a Covenant People' study will be given 
an opportunity to shape their educational offerings into the next century. 
Covenant People promises to be a curriculum that is truly informed by the 
vision and participation of the entire Presbyterian community." 
     The Rev. Eunice Poethig, director of the Congregational Ministries 
Division (where Curriculum Publishing is lodged), said, "This study sets in 
motion the first of many positive steps that will see our church working 
together toward a common goal -- educational and spiritual growth.  We 
continue to receive reports from congregations that have completed the 
study and look forward to many more in the next two months. Everyone's 
level of dedication is truly inspiring." 
     Curriculum Publishing, PC(USA), is the curriculum publisher of the 
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and also produces other high-quality 
educational materials under the imprint Bridge Resources.  Presbyterian 
congregations wishing to participate in the "Becoming a Covenant People" 
study should call 1-800-524-2612. 

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